Chapter 3-Confrontation

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We walked through the lunch line. Me, trying not to look at the jocks table. I got a salad , an apple, a V8 and a fruit salad.

We all got our food and looked for a table.

The only one that had enough empty seats was right behind the jocks.

Fuck my life.

Jessica and Vicky squealed and ran towards the table. I just rolled my eyes and sighed. Maddie gave me a sympathetic look and followed. I did the same.

As soon as we were situated we started chat. I'm trying to ignore the fact that Kameron was five feet away from me.

"Don't you think so Britt?" Vicky said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? what?" I said confused

"Don't you think Kameron is really hot?"

She said staring off as if she was day dreaming.

"Eh," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Eh? just Eh?" Jessica asked, startled.

"Yea. I don't get why everybody makes a big deal about him.." In all honesty, I did.

"He's so dreamy." said Vicky.

"And he's right behind us!" I hissed.

"Oh.. right." she said with a huge blush growing on her narrow cheeks.

We continued to chit-chat until the bell rang. We threw away our food. We started to walk out of the cafeteria.

I made my way to the next class with Maddie.

We walked into our English class with Ms.Brown. We all took a seat. But I noticed some 10th graders in here. What the hell were they doing in here? I thought.

Then Ms.Brown started to speak.

"Hello class. I'm Ms. Brown as you all know. Due to the small amount of student in each class. We have decided to put the regular English 10th grade class with the AP 9th grade english since you'll be learning the same thing. So everybody stand at the front of the room and we can assign everyone seats shall we?"

I stood up and walked to the front of the room with everyone else.

I spaced out until I heard my name.

"Brittany and..."

Please be Maddie, PLEASE BE MADDIE.


Like I said before, Fuck my life. Kameron went to sit in his seat while I still stood there frozen.

"Go on honey, sit down." Ms.Brown said in my ear.

I tried to speak but it came out as more of a squeak than a word.

I slowly sat next to him and placed my books down trying not to look at him.

"Don't be nervous to sit by me, babe. I'm just another guy. " He whispered to me. It sent shivers down my back.

"Whats your name? I'm Kameron. As you probably already know." he said holding out his hand for me to shake. Did he really not recognize me? I guess not I mean I did look a lot different.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Well..?" he said.

"Brittany. My names Brittany" I said shaking his hand...

"Nice to me you," he said and winked. Oh god he was still a flirt.

After about five minutes of the teacher seating everybody else she spoke.

"Okay. Since today is the first day and we only have about 25 minutes left i want you to get to know the person you sitting next to. This person will be your partner on all projects and assignments with pairs. Got it?" she said.

Once again, FML.

We all nodded our heads and everyone started talking. Kameron flashed me that drop dead gorgeous smile an- NO. BAD BRITTANY NO.

"So. Tell me about your self ." He said. I slowly turned my body to face him.

"What do you wanna know?" I asked. Let's see how long it takes for him to recognize me.

"Hm, What kind of music do you like" he asked."

"One Direction, The Ready Set. Um- that's pretty much it." I said shrugging my shoulders.

He chuckled.

"How about you?" I asked.

"Green Day, Mostly Green Day."

"Green Day, Mostly Green Day."

I found myself mumbling exactly what he said. When ever someone asked him what kind of music was he ALWAYS said exactly that. We had an inside joke bout that in middle school.

My eyes widened and I bit my lip so hard I could taste blood.

"Did you just say what I said?"

He asked. Crap. I didn't want him to recognize me.

I started to fiddle with my bracelet i always wore that he gave me in the 5th gradr. I never took it off. It said "Never Forget Me" on a heart charm. I loved it.

I didn't respond . I just bit my lip. He looked at me, then the bracelet, then back at me.

He grabbed my wrist and examined it. Looking at the bracelet. He looked at me.


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