Chapter 10: Magic Card!

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      Maddie was walking to Lizzie's new house as she held a plate of Chocolate Chip Muffins that she especially made for her friend. But someone was watching her very closely. "Greetings, Madeline." Ron greeted as he caught up to her. Maddie sighed and rolled her eyes. "What do you want, Ronald?" Maddie asked. "Such hostility coming from you, all I wanted was to say hi." Ron replied. "Really?" Maddie asked. "Really." Ron replied. "No tricks up your sleeves?" Maddie asked. "Not a single one. Except this one." Ron replied a he reached into his sleeve and pulled out a bouquet of wild flowers. Maddie gasped as she grinned. "They're beautiful!" Maddie exclaimed. He handed them to her and she accepted them as she smelled them. "I'm glad you like them." Ron commented. "I love them." Maddie told him. "Will I see you around?" Ron asked. "We both live in Wonderland, so I'm sure you will." Maddie replied and Ron nodded. Maddie blushed as she kept walking.
      Lizzie smelt something delicious not far from the new cottage she is renting. Lizzie lifted her head and new she was smelling Chocolate Chip Muffins, especially designed by Mad Hatter himself. "What's the delicious smell coming from?" Daring asked as he walked up to her and she smiled. "Maddie." Lizzie replied. Then there was a knock on the door and Lizzie answered it with Daring behind her. Maddie was by herself as she held a plate of Chocolate Chip Muffins. "Hey, Mads. Come in." Lizzie greeted as Maddie walked in. "Nice place." Maddie commented. "Thanks." Daring commented. Lizzie noticed the flowers in Maddie's hand as she gently sat them down. "Where did you get those?" Lizzie asked. Maddie was about to tell her, but then stopped. Lizzie won't be too keen at finding out that Maddie was potentially flirting with Ron of all people. Lizzie doesn't trust Ron, because he hangs out with Courtly. Sure, he's helped her in some of her lower class schemes. But he never helped her in something huge and dangerously evil, like trying to take Lizzie's destiny. "I found them." Maddie replied and Lizzie nodded. She hated lying, especially to her friends, but she had no choice and it's not like she's ever going to really talk to Ron again. "These are delicious, Maddie." Daring commented and Maddie grinned, forgetting all about Ron. "Some of my best work, if I do say so myself." Maddie commented.

Real World!
       Courtly looked like Kelly from her magic appearance change card. She changed her appearance before she left, that way she could give it th o Ron and he can do the same later on, since there is only one that they know about. But Courtly won't be able to turn back into herself for a little, which she hated. But it will all be worth it in the long run. She knocked on Cari's door and Lily answered it. Courtly was surprised by how Lily looked. She was wearing some kind of armor with weapons. "Come in, Kelly." Lily greeted. Courtly walked in and saw Charolette in a different colored armor with weapons of her own. "What's going on here?" Courtly asked. "We are going to find Mike." Charolette replied. "And it insists on this attire and weaponry?" Courtly asked. "Of course." Lily replied. "This is odd, odder then usual." Charolette commented. "How so?" Lily asked. "Usually it is you and Kelly that wants to go down fighting, and I am usually the one setting you into reason." Charolette replied and Lily nodded. "You're right." Lily agreed. "Well, someone has to have the reason here. Unfortunately, it has to be me." Kelly told them. "Well, I would rather die then lose the love of my life. I will find him and save him from whatever villain has come to our town. Our home. Taking my love, you will not get away with that, and I will prove that to every villain that comes our way." Charolette explained and Lily smiled. "Let's get moving." Lily commented. "We should move fast." Kelly agreed and the other two smiled.
     Madison took off her apron and waved to her dad. "See you later!" Madisom called as she skipped put the doors of Madness Bed and Breakfast. As she walked out she watched as a guy got put of his car, slamming the car door behind him. He looked familiar to her, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Perhaps she saw him around in Ever After? She doesn't remember seeing him in Storybrooke before, but she does hang around only a few select people. He walked up to her, looking really cocky. "Hey there, beautiful." The man greeted. "Hi." Madison greeted with a smile. Ron stood there with a smirk on his face. "Is this place any good?" Ron asked. "Only the best." Madison replied. "Too bad I haven't eaten here before." Ron commented. "Why haven't you?" Madison asked. Ron didn't want to let her know that he was new in town, because it would be suspicious and she might begin to remember who she really is. "I stay in doors, mostly." Ron replied and she nodded. Madison doesn't remember, but she hates him, for good reasons too. Ron lost his smirk as he gazed into her eyes. They sparkled as the sun bathed her in a beautiful glory. The wind blew her hair back in a soft manner. Madison gave him a small smile. "What?" Madison asked and Ron gave her a sincere smile as he shook his head. "Nothing. It's nothing, really." Ron replied. "I'll see you around, then?" Madison asked. "For sure." Ron replied. Madison nodded and walked away. Ron turned and watched her go.

      Lizzie looked around her new house as Daring watched her. "Are you okay?" Daring asked. "Yeah, I'll just have to.... Figure things out." Lizzie replied. "And that means?" Daring asked. "This may seem terrible, but I have lived in a palace all my life and this kind of living isn't what I'm exactly use to." Lizzie replied and Daring laughed. Daring stood up and walked closer to her. "Me neither. But we can figure it out, together." Daring told her. "I would love that." Lizzie replied. Daring pulled her close and kissed her passionately as she wrapped her arms around him. They were interrupted by a knock as they pulled away. "Ignore it?" Daring asked and Lizzie laughed. "Not this time." Lizzie replied. Lizzie let go of him and answered the door. She frowned as she watched Courtly standing in front of her. "I didn't know you knew where I lived." Lizzie commented. "I have my connections." Courtly told her and she nodded. "I would invite you in, but Daring and I are enjoying time alone." Lizzie told her. "No, it's cool. I understand." Courtly commented. "Yeah." Lizzie agreed. "Next time?" Courtly asked. "Sure." Lizzie replied. Courtly nodded and walked away as Lizzie shut the door. "I thought you were suppose to be nice to her?" Daring asked. "That is extremely hard." Lizzie replied. "For you, maybe. I will help you." Daring suggested. Lizzie sighed and shook her head.
     Maddie was sitting on a bench as her hair was in a ponytail and her dress went down to her ankles. Ron smirked and walked up to her. He put one hand on the bench and the other laid freely by his side. "Hey." Ron greeted. Maddie looked up, Ron's head was blocking the sun. She smiled as she locked eyes with him. "Hi." Maddie greeted. "May I sit?" Ron asked. "The seat's all yours." Maddie replied. They both laughed and he sat down. "Did Lizzie like your muffins?" Ron asked. "She and Daring both loved them." Maddie replied and Ron smiled. "Well, that is good." Ron commented and Maddie nodded. "It is, especially since I made them myself." Maddie agreed. "Too bad I couldn't have one." Ron commented. "Maybe I'll make you one sometime." Maddie suggested. Ron pushed together his eyebrows, surprised at the suggestion. "You would do that for me?" Ron asked and Maddie shrugged. "Sure." Maddie replied. "I would like that." Ron agreed and Maddie blushed as she smiled. "Then I shall." Maddie commented. "I should be off." Ron told her as he stood up and she nodded. "See you around." Maddie commented. "You too." Ron agreed. Ron walked away as Maddie bit her lip. What neither of them knew, was that Courtly was watching them. She growled and marched away.

Real World!
     Maddie walked up to Tommy. "Hey." Maddie greeted. "Hey, Mads." Tommy greeted. "I saw Darla as I walked by. Something seemed to be bothering her." Maddie commented and he shrugged. "I haven't noticed." Tommy told her. "Obviously, I have observed that you two haven't been in the same place together since Neverland." Maddie told him. "I don't know what you're talking about." Tommy commented. Maddie ignored his comment. "Why is that?" Maddie asked and Tommy shook his head. Tommy couldn't tell her what's really going on, so he decided to stink with his original answer. "I don't know know what you're talking about." Tommy replied and he walked away. Maddie sighed and knew who she had to go talk to only. Only one person can get through to him at this point.
     Lily, Charolette, and Kelly made their way down the street. Kelly kept a close eye on them, since she's really Courtly in disguise. They were on their way to the town line. Both Lily and Charolette had a feeling, and they always trusts their instincts, they have never been wrong before. They stopped when they saw man with hair as white as snow. It's not because he's really old, in contrary, he's really young. He was born with white hair because his father was the Hare from Wonderland. Marchness Hare is what he use to be called, but now he is called Michaelor Mike. His back was turned to them, and by the looks of it he hasn't noticed them. His phone was put as he was typing something. "Michael!" Charolette exclaimed. He turned around and put on a fake smile. "Hey, guys." Micheal greeted. Micheal and Kelly locked eyes and they nodded. Charolette walked up to him and embraced him as he put his arms around her. "I was so worried about you!" Charolette exclaimed. "I'm sorry about that, Charolette. My car broke down and then I couldn't get my phone to work. I was just about to call you." Michael explained. Charolette pulled away and looked at him. "Your car broke down?" Charolette asked and Michael nodded. "Yeah, but no worries. I can get it fixed." Michael assured. "Right." Charolette agreed. "I'm going back to the car, you go ahead home." Michael told her. "I'll go with you." Kelly suggested. They both walked off as Charolette watched. Lily walked up to her. "Something isn't right." Lily commented and Charolette shook her head. "Something is terribly wrong." Charolette agreed.

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