Chapter 24: Looking Glass!

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     Lizzie was sitting on the steps that led to her castle. Cari managed to sneak from the guards and walked up to her. "Hey." Cari greeted. "Hi." Lizzie greeted. "Are you alright?" Cari asked and Lizzie shook her head. "No." Lizzie replied. Cari sat next to her on the steps. "You didn't kill Courtly." Cari told her. "But I could have, and most importantly I wanted to." Lizzie told her. "You are okay, Courtly is Courtly, but alive. You did that, you showed what was in your true heart. You're stronger than anyone I know, and that strength came through today." Cari told her and Lizzie took a deep breathe as tears appeared in her eyes. "Then why do I feel so weak?" Lizzie asked and Cari sighed. "I don't know." Cari replied. "This is really hard for me to admit. But I am terrified." Lizzie told her. "Of what, Liz? What are you so terrified of?" Cari asked. "Me." Lizzie replied. "Oh, Lizzie." Cari commented. "I'm scared of what I am capable of doing, of who I might truly be inside." Lizzie told her. "Liz, you are good. You have a kind heart and that is all that matters." Cari told her and Lizzie shook her head. "I have to go." Lizzie told her. Lizzie stood up and walked inside.
       Maddie was admiring her engagement ring. Ron was asleep in bed. Maddie heard a noise and looked up. She slowly made her way out of the bedroom and saw Courtly standing in the living room. "Courtly? What are you doing here?" Maddie asked. "I'm just looking for Ron." Courtly replied. "He's sleeping." Maddir told her and she rolled her eyes. "Great, just great. Look at what you turned him into!" Courtly yelled. "What do you mean?" Maddie asked. "He was a great alley and warrior, but now he wants to be with you." Courtly replied. Ron walked out and sighed. "What do you want?" Ron asked. "To talk." Courtly replied and Ron nodded.

Wonderland- Present Time!
     Lily opened up her eyes and sat up. She looked around and gasped at what she saw. It was her home. It was Wonderland. She looked at her friends around her. She saw Madison right next to her and shook her until she woke. "Lily?" Cari asked. Lily turned around to face her. "I'm here." Lily replied. They all started waking up one by one. "My head hurts." Darla commented. "Mine too." Brenda agreed. Lily stood up and looked around at the place she never thought she would see again. Everyone else stood up and looked around in amazement as well. "Home." Madison muttered. Lily shook her head and went back into reality. "Where's Courtly?" Lily asked. They all looked around and didn't see her. "She must of left." Alan commented. They heard something and turned to see a man. He slowly stood up and they saw that it was Ron. Madison stepped forward and looked at him in amazement. "What are you doing here?" Madison asked. "I needed to talk to you about something urgent. Then I saw you fall in that portal, and I came after you." Ron replied. Madison couldn't believe it, and doesn't know how she feels about it. "Why?" Madison asked. "Because I love you." Ron replied.
      Courtly groaned as she walked through Wonderland. She hated being in Sorybrooke, it didn't feel natural to her. But she was back. She was home. Everything is better, and she brought her enemies back. This could be good and bad. This is tybalt turf, but it's her's too. But she a plan. One that cannot fail, one that not even Lily herself can predict is going to happen. Courtly's shoulder still hurt, but her plans are bigger then some wound. She stopped walking when she neared the edge of the Forbidden Forest. This is where her mastermind plans start. She smirked as she walked in. She walked deep into the forest as she finally reached a part of the forest that's burnt. A big fire started ages ago. This is where her plans truly begins.

     Cari floated on a cloud until she saw Alistair leaving Mad Hatter's tea shop. She floated down and the cloud disappeared as she landed on her feet. "Alistair!" Cari called as she ran up to him. "Hey, what's up?" Alistair asked. "I'm worried about Lizzie." Cari replied and Alistair nodded. "I get that." Alistair agreed. "Do you think you can talk to her?" Cari asked. "I don't know if I can say anything that matters." Alistair replied. "It's worth a shot." Cari told him and he sighed. "I'll try, but she'll probably just shut the door in my face." Alistair commented. He walked away and Cari sighed as she watched him walk away.
      Maddie watched Courtly and Ron talk. "You helped me back there." Courtly told him. "I wasn't trying to help you, I was trying to help Maddie." Ron told her. "How was that when she wasn't even there?" Courtly asked. "I didn't want Lizzie to hurt you because that would only hurt Lizzie." Ron replied. "And how is that helping Maddie?" Courtly asked. "Because when her friends hurt, she hurts." Ron replied. "You were trying to keep Lizzie from hurting so Maddie wouldn't hurt?" Courtly asked. "Yes, I knew if Lizzie hurt you then she would go down a dark path." Ron replied. "What happened with Lizzie?" Maddie asked. "There was a fight between her and Courtly, it almost ended with Courtly's head being chopped off." Ron replied. "By Lizzie." Courtly added and Maddie gasped. "I have to go." Maddie told them and ran out.

Real World!
     Daniel was walking in the woods, trying to find Lily and her friends, keeping a sword handy just in case. He stopped when he found a red high heel. He knew it was Lily's. He sighed as he picked it up and ran off. He made it back to town and found Danielle and Devin talking on a park bench. He sat next to them and held up the shoe. "I think that's a bit too small for you." Danielle commented as her and Devin both laughed. "It's not funny. This is Lily's, it was in the forest and she was no where around." Daniel told them. They both got serious as they looked at him. "Really?" Devin asked and Daniel nodded. "Yes." Daniel replied. "Did something bad happen?" Danielle asked. "I'm afraid of that." Daniel replied. "Ms. Gold might have a magic artifact in her shop that can tell us what happened." Devin told them. "You think so?" Daniel asked. "I do." Devin replied and Daniel nodded. "Let's go." Daniel commented. All three got up and walked away.
     Ms. Gold was in the back of her shop. She heard the bell to the door ring and walked toward the front. She glared at who they saw. "Charmings. What do you lowlifes want?" Ms. Gold asked. "We think something happened to your daughter, and we need to find out what." Daniel replied and Ms. Gold sighed. If this is true, she wants to help her. There was a moment of silence as she thought about it. "Follow me." Ms. Gold told them. She walked into the back and they followed her. She removed a cover that was on the wall to reveal a huge mirror. "A mirror?" Devin asked. "This isn't a mirror, it's a looking glass. I can find them with this." Ms. Gold replied. "Do it." Daniel commented and she nodded. "Show me Lily." Ms. Gold ordered. But no image turned up. It was a just a gray swirling fog. "What's going on?" Danielle asked and Ms. Gold shook her head. "This isn't good." Ms. Gold replied. "What isn't good?" Daniel asked as his heart beady fast. Ms. Gold sighed with tears in her eyes as she turned to face them. "Lily is not in this realm." Ms. Gold replied and they all gasped.

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