Chapter 17. Stiff as a skewer

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After an agonizing and mind-blowing interrogation from Mike, Sam had spilled her fears about the press to him, coloring the words and the possible outcome of such a move from their part as she went on.

Holding back his urge to make her change her mind, as he himself had no problem with being seen together with her, he had settled with an agreement that he would find them a take-away somewhere and then drive to a place that would be almost similar to 'out in nowhere'.

When finally on their way again, he had done all in his power to make her loosen up, to get her out of her shell, so to speak. He had started out very carefully and smooth, and then to his satisfaction she had slowly begun to come around, and by the time they had reached the take-away, they had actually been laughing together. A lot!

God how he loved her laugh. It was like music to his ears. Sexy, groovy music.

His inside and his lower part of the body craved for her...needed her. Fuck, this woman was tearing him apart completely.

Smiling at her, he effectively killed the groan that was about to divulge him as he consumed her like a lecher with his hungry eyes.

"Wait here. Don't move that lovely ass of yours, " he said, nearly biting his tongue off as it had slipped all to quick as he got out of the car.

Sensing a slight reaction from Sam as he had said those words, he closed his eyes for a second as he strolled towards the place and walked inside. You stupid fuck! Really smooth of you! You finally got her to open up and then you go about and say a thing like that. He instantly nominated himself to the dumb-ass award, voted and claimed the prize as he walked over and presented their order to the girl behind the counter.

What kind of take-away was this anyway? He gazed around and he saw the girl shift her stance as he recited what they wanted. A familiar feeling emerged inside of him. She  recognized him.

"Aren't you Mike Aaron?" she said with a strained voice and tried her best not to freak out.

"Well.." he thought for a second that he would lie and tell her that he wasn't, but he saw that she was pretty sure despite her question," Yes, I am."

She now gave him a satisfied smile and tapped the counter with her fingers, still trying not to freak out.

"Cool! I just love listening to your music." she paused looking around, "So who is gonna join you?"

Mike gave her a frown .

"Join me?" he wondered.

"Yes. You are ordering for two people, but I can just see you in here."

Oh! He grinned at her, laughing low in his throat.

"We're not gonna eat here, there's no time for that, I want that to-go."

The girl smiled admiringly at him and leaned over the counter in order to get a little bit closer. "Okay Mr Aaron, but just because it's you. This is not a take-away place you know."

What? Mike raised his eyebrow questioning at her, then he surrendered to the obvious as he looked around inside the place once again. He chuckled softly inside as he payed the girl and got his order in a bag to-go.

Feeling the girl's stare as he walked out, he couldn't help grinning widely.

Sam was screwing him up big time. She was already messing with his head without even knowing it. If he did not get his act together, he wouldn't be able to do the simplest thing as to tell day from night soon.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sam sighed as she lifted her face to the sky and squinted her eyes at the sun. Through the partially opened door on her side she could now savor the rays from the sun, that had become somewhat more gentler to her skin now, than they had been just hours before. Closing her eyes she had to pinch herself discretely where she sat.

She wasn't dreaming. She sat in a Ferrari, and she had been doing that for the last hour and a half. AND she  was there together with Mike Aaron.

Mike 'the Snake' Aaron. The bloody sex-god of rock'n'roll himself.

It really had to be a felony for anybody to be that hot and sexy.

Sam sighed again. He was like a magnet to all women. She had seen too many swoon over him to be able to count them.

Thinking about it, she would have no trouble what so ever listing at least hundreds of girls SHE knew and had known during the years, that would sell their own mother to be in her place right now, and she had not even included all the girls from her high-school in that equation.

Her lips curved slightly, forming a small but detectable smile on her sweet face. The last hour had been rather nice in fact. She had found his company more than pleasurable, and she reluctantly had to accept that he was actually as nice and likable as he appeared.

Straightening her seat, she saw him walk towards the car with a huge bag in hand. Oh God. Just seeing him walk was devastating to her she realized. A fierce ache manifested itself in her womb as her thoughts went totally wild on her, and she had to laugh silently at herself, for even having such thoughts about him. Forget it. He's so out of your league it's ridiculous.

"Now, let's find ourselves a nice little remote location, huh?" he said as he got back in the car, handing over the bag to Sam. Then he turned the key and as always, the roar from the engine of such a car, made several heads on the parking-lot turn as they sped off.

~ ~ ~ ~

She looked around, seated pretty comfortable on a bench with her elbows leaning on the table in front of her. Sam was in awe. It certainly was a very remote location as Mike so delicately had put it, and it was beyond beautiful. The beech forest behind her, was so rampant and so thick that she imagined the darkness never to leave it's center. The soft afternoon wind blew among the big trees, making the leafs play around on the branches and in the air.

With appreciation she gazed upon Mike as he finished setting the table in front of them. Imbibing all of the edible food he had put on there, she silently wondered if he had bought the whole damn place.

She was kinda hungry when she thought about it, no idea to try and deny it. But what she most wanted to feast upon was out of her reach. Sam couldn't help but to stare at him as he took his seat at the table opposite her.

Taking in his muscular body that was so ruthlessly displayed in front of her, the way the sun caressed his whole being and just made him all the more desirable was torture for her. But she couldn't help doing it. It was like a drug, and she was forced to take in whatever and as much as she possibly could.

Feeling her face heat up as she met his gaze, seeing more than just a need for friendship in them, she had to turn her glare down into her own lap with a soft sigh.

She could have sworn she saw a glimpse of raw desire in them. Or did she just fool herself?

Oh, be damned her low self esteem. She hated herself more than anything right now. Why couldn't she just relax and enjoy herself to the fullest, huh? Nooo, she had to be as stiff as a skewer, and her mouth had gone dry as the Sahara desert.

"Come on Sammie," Mike's voice caressed her ears like velvet and his eyes was pinned inexorably at her, "I know you must be hungry" he reached out with his fork and grabbed a piece of meet from one of the plates. The moment he devoured it a look of gusto swept over his face, and a low groan of ecstasy escaped his lips,"Aww, got to try this. Absolutely delicious." then trying desperately not to add 'just as you' to that sentence, he instead allowed himself to grin in a wolfish way at her, the low groan still lingering in his throat.

Sam sighed and relaxed her stance just slightly as she sat there. Something about that man made her very uneasy.

He was Mike Aaron for cryin' out loud! Out of her reach, and not in her world. Why was she thinking of him? Why was she even tense at all ? Really? Hell, she could probably relax and be herself. Why not? When they will get back to New York, he will sure as hell not give her a second thought.

Sam knew that she wasn't good enough, she was too plain and boring, and...

Aaarggh! This is just ridiculous, she thought.

He's probably just nice to her out of pity.

Snorting loudly she began to eat.

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