The Liar and the Believer

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This is a palindrome poem, which means you can read it forwards and backwards and it will have two different meanings.

The Liar

We are one small speck in this universe

Even though

You want make a difference

It does not matter

People will try to push you down

You should learn that

There is no such thing as love and there is only power

Never make yourself believe

That you are important

I assure you

There is no such thing as peace and harmony

There are silly fools that believe

We can change

We fight for nothing but ourselves

It may seem like

There is hope

But that is a lie

People say that there is no way to fix ourselves

And we must believe this

We are causing new wars everyday

Now read this poem backwards.

The Believer

We are causing new wars everyday

And we must believe this

People say that there is no way to fix ourselves

But that is a lie

There is hope

It may seem like

We fight for nothing but ourselves

We can change

There are silly fools that believe

There is no such thing as peace and harmony

I assure you

That you are important

Never make yourself believe

There is no such thing as love and there is only power

You should learn that

People will try to push you down

It does not matter

You want make a difference

Even though

We are one small speck in this universe

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