Karen's Big Lie (9th Chapter)

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  It was another big house weekend. On Friday, the day of the subtraction quiz, I went home to Mommy's house after school. But before suppertime, Mommy drove Andrew and me to Daddy's.

  I was not in a very good mood. I felt bad about copying Ricky again. Plus, I had left my flash cards at the little house. I wanted to study them over the weekend sice I knew Ms. Colman would give us another quiz at any time.

  "Mommy," I said, as Andrew and I were getting out of the car. "I forgot my flash cards."

  "Do you really need them?" she asked.

"I really do."

Mommy sighed. "All right. I will bring them over tomorrow."

As soon as Andrew and I had run into the big house, David Michael pulled me upstairs. "Want to see it? he whispered. "See what?" I answered.

"My tatoo! Did you already forget about it?"

"Oh, sorry," I said. "Sure. Let me see it."

David Michael rolled up his sleeve. And there, by his shoulder, was a picture of a brght green dragon. I looked super cool.

"Watch this," he said. He bent is arm back and forth and the dragon's tail moved.

"Awesome!" I cried.

"And see? It is easy to hide. I just have to push down my sleeve down."

"Yeah," I agreed. And then I said again,


"You could get one too, you know."

"Who, me?" I replied. "NO way." I was not going to get a tatoo. First of all, I did not want anyone poking   me with needls. Second, I was keeping enough secrets. I had copied from Ricky twice. I knew my brother was not supposed to. I did not need a secret tatoo myslef.

Later, just as the family was finising dinner, ELizabeth said, "well, guess what, evrybody."

"What?" asked Kristy.

"In 2 weeks the company I work for is going to have a big picnic. Everyone who is going to have a big picnic. Everyone who works there is invited. Everyone in their families is invited, too. I hope all of you will come. This is the first time we have ever had a picnic. If people like it, we will hold one every year.

 " What will we do at the picnic?" asked Charlie." I mean, beside eat."

 "You can play and go swimming. You can spend the entire day in your bathing suits, I think." said Elizabeth.

  But I looked across the table at David bichael. This is what I wanted to say to him: "Okay, big shot. Now what are you going to do?" If he spent the day in his bathing suit, everyone qould see his tatoo.

 David Michael would not look back at me. He knew he was in trouble.

Before bedtime that night, I said to my brother, "What are you going to do?"

"About the tatoo?"replied David. "We will just hide it."

We will? How come I had to help David with his secret?

The weekend was awful. I did not see Hannie at all. Every time I called her to invite her over, she said she was too busy to play. At least Mommy remembered to drop off the flash cards. I studied them for 15 minutes on Saturday and also on Sunday.

      _______Wheww! So tired to type all the chapters. Need to rest my arm and hand _____

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