Karen's Big Lie (3rd Chapter)

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Chapter 3- David Michael

       The weekend at Daddy's got off to a good start. On Friday night, everyone in my big house family was at home, so we ate dinner together. We ate in the backyard on picnic tables. Daddy and Kristy barbecued chicken. When dinner was over, Elizabeth said, "What shall we have for desert?" And right then, we heard the jingling of bells. Mr. Tastee's truck was driving slowly down the street.

"Ice cream!" I cried

And Andrew added, "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!"

Everyone bought ice cream from Mr. Tastee. Even Nannie.

       On Saturday, Hannie came over. We worked in the vegetable garden that Daddy plants every year. (We are hoping for a good crop of pumpkins for Haloween.) Later, Kristy took us to the playground. We came back late in the afternoon, and Hannie had to go home.

       Kristy and I wandered into the backyard at the big house. The rest of the family was there. Even Sam and Charlie, who are usually off with their friends. Charlie just made a pithcher of ice tea.

"Hi!" Emily Michelle called to us.

"Come sit down," added Elizabeth.

Kristy and I squished togheter in a lawn chair. I just love being with my whole, entire big house family. I looked around at them. Elizabeth was mending a shirt. Nannie was reading the paper. Daddy was checking the vegetable garden. Andrew and Emily  were looking for ladybugs. Charlie and Sam were serving the iced tea. David Michael was not doing a thing. He was just sitting on the ground. All of a sudden he said, "Mom? Can I get a buzzsaw?"

"Excuse me?"said Elizabeth.

Daddy left the garden. "Need some tools?" he asked.

"No!" howled Michael. " A buzzsaw. I want a buzzsaw. It's a haircut. All the guys in school are getting a buzzsaws."

"They shave the sides of their heads," spoke up Sam.

"Oh," said Elizabeth. "Then, no, you may not have a buzzsaw"

"But my friends have thm!" said David Michael.

"You are not your friends," replied Elizabeth.


"Absolutely not."

"Could I get one of my ears pierced?" asked David.

"No," said Elizabeth and Daddy at the same time.

"How about a tatoo?"

"Out of the question," said Daddy.

"I'll say," agreed Elizabeth.

"My friends think I'm a baby," wailed David. "I am not cool."

"Do you know how you get a tatoo?" asked Sam

"First you go to a parlor . Then a guy pricks you over and over again with a big needle. That is how he draws the design. With needles."

"Ew," I said.

"What is a tatoo parlor?" asked Andrew.

"Never you mind,"said Nannie.

And Elizabeth added, "So no pierced ear, no tattoos, and no buzzsaws, young man. Do you understand?"

"Yes," replied David. But right after dinner that night, he pulled me aside.

"Karen, I have decided to get a tatoo." he said

   "Don't do it," I   exclaimed, but I knew he would not listen to me.

_______________That was so long talk. Be ready for Chapter 4- The Red 68_____________________  

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