the beginning

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"Janu!" Arms wrapped around my neck from behind as the bustle of voices scurried around me. "I missed you so much!"

"Damn, girl. Don't choke me." I turned around with a smile to face one of my best friends, Bea. "And I missed you too. Two months is too long."

She leaned against my locker as I put my empty binders into it. "Agreed. We need to go on vacation together. Imagine cute guys and exotic drinks with the girls."

I laughed as I closed my locker. "Please. Tell me more." She laughed with me.

"What do you have this semester? Everyone's schedule is so different that I can't remember who's in any of my classes. Watch me be all alone." Bea's blond hair fell forward as she pulled up her schedule on her phone.

"Bio with McKinley, then Chem with Stafato. 3rd and 4th off and finally World History with Avira." I recited my schedule without any hesitation. I try to memorize it before the first day, so I don't need to have my schedule with me. "In conclusion, I'm fucked. I can barely do chem and bio by themselves; nevertheless, together in the same semester."

"You'll be fine. You're Janu, the brilliant. There's a reason you're taking all AP classes." Bea raised her eyebrows, daring me to argue. "Besides, you'll love chem because you have it with me."

I grinned. "That is going to be so lit. Just like last year, lab partners as always."

"Thank the lords! I now have a chance in passing that class." We laughed as we walked over to the cafeteria to meet up with the rest of the crew.

The hallways were filled with people wearing maroon or white. The colours of Rutherford Prep. An elite high school that's meant for the best of the best. 

Personally, I see it as the rich of the rich because everyone here could fund my livelihood and some. It's a blessing that I got a scholarship to this place from my elementary school.

If we look past the perfect image Rutherford Prep is seen as, you'll see the true mess of the student body. Filled with wild parties, hidden secrets, and overall crazy, we aren't even close to perfect. We're just a typical high school hidden by the mask of money and nothing more. But I love it. Besides, what is high school without all of the stupidity?

We spot our friends seated at one of the back tables and head toward them. As we continue, I notice a familiar blonde coming our way. Oh, here we go.

"Bea! You look gorgeous, girl." Haira McGill hugged Bea while shooting me a degrading smirk. "We really need to hang out soon. Maybe some mimosas next week?"

Bea shot me an apologetic smile before saying, "Yea, of course."

Haira flipped her straighten hair behind her shoulder. "You really need to rejudge the crowd you hang around. Don't want your mother knowing you hang out with the lower class." Ah, I was wondering when the insults were going to start.

Bea shot Haira a glare. "I know who I need to hang out with. Now if you can excuse us." She grabbed my arm and made her way around Haira without another glance.

I sighed as we made it to the table. "I really hope you don't get in trouble."

Bea shook her head as she pulled out a seat to sit down. "I'm not letting that bitch talk low of my friend. Not anymore."

"Wow, someone's made a one eighty." Irene quirked her eyebrow as she took a sip of what I presume is coffee. "What happened to being scared of Momma Bennett?"

"It's not fair that Haira bullies Janu. I can't believe I didn't figure it out last year." Bea frowned.

"You know what she says doesn't matter to me. I just don't want you to get in trouble for the millionth time because you weren't friendly with her."

When Janu Met RyWhere stories live. Discover now