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cнapтer тwo: add мe!

"he's deaf, yoongi, can you believe that?" namjoon falls back first onto his bed of their shared apartment, and also shared room. when they had purchased the apartment they decided two rooms would be okay for the four, but namjoon often wishes a different arrangement was made. he was so tired of having to have his room so perfectly tidy all the time, by yoongi's order.

"what about it? he's still a normal person like us." yoongi sat down on the cushioned swivel chair, pushing himself into the lacquer desk and pulling out his notebook.

"yeah but like- woah," namjoon exhaled loudly and rolled over onto his stomach, the perfectly smoothed out duvet wrinkling under his weight. "i just wasn't expecting that." his forearm draped over his right eye, and his other glanced at yoongi, who was busy writing away.

"well, maybe that's good." yoongi suggests, not averting his eyes from the neat and careful handwriting. "your life is so boring. you need a little spice."

"spice...?" namjoon repeated, the sound of his deep voice echoing off the thin walls of the apartment.

"yeah, you know. a little pizazz." yoongi turned to face namjoon in the spinning chair, and lifted his chin. "all we do is sleep, eat, and go to class. maybe having a permanent boy toy would be nice for you. i'm sure it gets boring going from person to person."

"first of all," namjoon started, smiling at his friends joke. although, he couldn't help but feel offended that yoongi called his little crush such a name, joke or not. "he isn't a 'boy toy'. second of all, he's way out of my league. have you seen him?"

"oh hush, joon. you're plenty handsome." yoongi teased, rolling his letters off his tongue in a fancy manner. "you need a cute bottom to complete your set."

"ew, you're so gross." namjoon chucked a pillow at yoongi, who dodged it and chortled. "i'm not looking for a one night stand. i think i can have something nice with this guy."

"whatever you say." yoongi shrugged, and swiveled around to his desk, resuming writing down whatever he always writes. namjoon had gotten curious once, and flipped through one of the many, many notebooks yoongi had stashed carefully away. what he saw was lyrics- good ones at that- with lots of meaning. it really put namjoon in a good mood to know he had made such an impact on the older with his interests. "but since when has kim namjoon been into the whole relationship thing?"

"since he saw the gorgeous park jimin in the flesh."

"gross." yoongi stuck his tongue out at the corny statement, scoffing and rolling his eyes.


namjoon and his three friends sat at their usual booth of the café, whispering about, of course, namjoon's new favorite topic, park jimin.

"you should give him your number." yoongi shrugged, and slid a napkin over to the distressed youngest at the table. namjoon widened his eyes, and shook his head so fast he could have given himself whip lash. he looks over to the other table, and curses himself for not realizing it sooner.

jimin was having a friendly conversation with his two friends he always came with. one with dark eyes and a cute, bunny like smile, and the other with beautiful chocolate brown hair and a boxy smile that could end wars.

but what he hadn't noticed was that jimin was doing some sort of movement with his hands, and his friends did it back. what intrigued him was that they had talked while they did what namjoon deemed as sign language. he just didn't understand. if jimin could read lips, why learn sign language? then, he realized how selfish that sounded, and silenced his thoughts to study the boy as usual.

today, he went with a black and white striped shirt, with a green army jacket on top. his jeans were ripped up the leg, and paired perfectly with a pair of doc martins. he had the usual cute and round vintage glasses perched on his nose, and to pull together the whole outfit, a messenger hat placed center on his head. beautiful.

"he's not listening." seokjin sighed, rolling his eyes and dropping his head onto the café table, annoyed.

"i'm gonna give him your number if you don't do it yourself." yoongi growled, the threat coarsing through namjoon's veins like a disease.

"okay. i'm going." namjoon huffed, and the second eldest held out a pen to him. carefully taking the pen into his fingers and writing his phone number with a shaky hand, namjoon bit his lip and thought of all the possibilities. jimin could tell him he isn't interested, he could turn out to be straight, he could yell at him and tell him to stay away. so many things could happen, and-

"hi guys!" speak of the devil, the joyful boy waved a happy hand and smiled his famous smile. god damnit to hell, this kid is adorable.

"hey jimin-ssi." hoseok greeted with the proper honorifics, but the tone of his voice was nothing but proper. it was 3 times louder than what he normally spoke, which was saying something, and it was very slow paced. the usually always smiling boy frowned, catching namjoon off guard. even when he pouted it was adorable.

"you don't have to yell," he explained, twiddling his fingers and biting his bottom plump lip. "i can't hear you either way."

"oh, yeah. sorry." the aforementioned nodded with a smile, and instantly, jimin's wide grin was plastered to his face once again. he turned to namjoon and opened his mouth to speak.

"i came to ask if you wante-"

he was interrupted by one of his friends, who put a sweet hand on his shoulder, and turned him to face him.

"jiminie, what are you doing talking to people you don't know? what if they aren't nice?" the boy signed, rather quickly may namjoon add, and the frown reappeared to jimin's lips.

namjoon wished on anything that he was able to understand. but unfortunately, neither he or his friends could make out what the boy with chocolate eyes and bunny teeth was telling or asking their new companion.

"they are nice, gukie. give them a chance!" jimin signed back, and gave a warm half smile to the boy.

"i won't let you get hurt again." the boy argued back, and by their expressions, namjoon guessed it wasn't a friendly chat.

"they're nice, guk. can't you see that? just get to know them, we can't exclude ourselves from everyone." jimin finished the conversation, turning back to the group of friends that were leaning in and watching carefully.

"sorry, excuse guk's rude behavior." jimin glared at his friend, and turned back to the others with a smile bright as namjoon's future.

"it's okay." namjoon excused, proud of himself for getting a half a sentence out without stuttering.

"this is jungkook!" the blonde introduced happily, jazz hands around the taller boy and giggling. the other seemed to be uncomfortable and quickly waved with an unsure expression. "and over there is taehyung!" he pointed to the booth where he sits with his friends, just to find that the boy wasn't there.

"i'm here." the boy, or taehyung, taps jimin's shoulder, as he had stood behind him for a moment.

"guys, this is hoseok, namjoon, seokjin, and yoongi." jimin pointed to each respective person, matching their names to their faces perfectly and clasping his hands together when he was done.

"do you guys have instagram? add me." the one known as taehyung pulls out his phone and opens the aforementioned social media app, turning it to each of the boys for them to input their instagram.

"me too!" jimin squealed, holding out his own phone for the others to type in their username and follow each other. the exchange didn't take long, and namjoon was proud to officially say he indirectly touched jimin once again.

maybe he didn't get jimin's number, but he did get his instagram. and wasn't that just a little better?

нey, enjoyιng ѕo ғar?
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