Take risks.

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We should not be afraid to take some risks or make mistakes because most of the time we get the greatest rewards from doing things that we are scared the most.

I learned this from the series I've been hooked on for the past weeks. (OTH)

Why are we so afraid to take risks and get out of our comfort zones?

You've been in the company for 5 years and everyday you convince yourself that you're as excited as a student on the first day of the class because you have a new shoes, new bag, notebooks, pens etc. But the truth is you had to drag yourself to the shower. Yeah, that bad. You don't feel the same excitement anymore but you're too scared to accept that. Yes. You're scared. Why? Because you don't want to start over. Because you don't know what is ahead of you. Well, who does?

You can only assume but you will never find out until you try it, until you do it. But I know, it's easier said than done. You have to have courage and faith. You have to believe in yourself.

A fireman would go into a burning house or building not knowing if he can still get out alive. A soldier would go in a war with no guarantee of returning safe to the arms of his children.

We are the same with the fireman and the soldier. We don't know what's ahead of us but what's make them different is they still do it. It's their duty for the country, for the people.

Now do yourself a favor, stop hiding and being scared. Do it.

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