Chapter 1: Strangers

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Eunae and Gyungho first met during a job interview. They bumped into each other at the company's lobby, both said their apologies and had a little chat on their way to the elevator. The next thing they knew, they were next to each other at the queue—applying for the same job. They had their interviews individually and didn't see each other after. They had a nice chat and both of them unknowingly wanted to meet again.

They did meet again; about a month later, on their first day of work. They both got hired in the job they applied for and both of them are undeniably delighted to know they'll be working together. Since then, they became even closer. There was this sort of friendly competition going on that just drives each other to work even harder. Their connection is undeniable to people who see them and even to themselves. Amidst the friendly competition over work, there's always tension and unintentional flirting. There was definitely something but of them didn't want to get lost in the translation so they took it slow.

Then that night happened.

It was a Friday night. Eunae, Gyungho and their coworkers decided to have some drinks after work, to ease their stress away. It was fun, everyone is drinking and happy. They went for a second round, but half of them already surrendered and hit the sack at home. Eunae and Gyungho are pretty much okay, second round was no big deal to good drinkers like them. Besides, Gyungho is taking care of Eunae pretty well. With him around, she felt safe in such a chaotic night out.

By the third round, only four of them are left. Eunae, Gyungho and two other guy coworkers transferred to a much larger bar—louder and more chaotic. Still, Eunae didn't feel the need to leave. She wants to have more fun and, then again, Gyungho made her feel protected. She trusted him. Maybe she trusted him a little bit too much.

They had drinks after drinks, hitting the dance floor with every shot. Dancing and rolling their bodies against each other with their clothes barely doing anything to keep them apart. It's safe to say that Eunae let loose of herself a little bit more than she should. But it's because she has already put her safety on Gyungho's hands. That's how much she trusted him.

By the end of the night, Gyungho was kind enough to bring Eunae home. Everything was blurry for Eunae from there. The alcohol has already taken over her, she's too drunk to function. Eunae could barely walk; Gyungho had to carry her on his back, to the way to her apartment unit. When they reached her place, Eunae was lucky she can still press her passcode on her door. She may be drunk but her subconscious knew better that she can't be alone and alone in her apartment with some guy. So after stepping inside, she bowed to thank Gyungho but he steps inside instead. Eunae knows it's wrong but she's too exhausted to protest. The next thing she knew, Gyunho slammed her on her wall and started kissing her. She remembers pushing him away, telling him to stop. But instead of stopping, he just kept on kissing her. His hands traveling on the parts of her body that she didn't want to be touched. She pushed him away again and again and a lot of times after. She was screaming, begging him to stop but it was like he plugged his ears with something.

Eunae didn't want any of it but she's too tired and hopeless to push him away. Tears fall down her cheeks as she loses herself.

"It's not like he dragged her to her place but was there consent?" Eunjung leans closer to whisper.

"If there was, then we shouldn't be here." Mark replied coolly, arms crossed on his chest.

"That's all, your honor." The defense counsel concludes cheekily after interrogating the victim on the stand with nonsense questions like What were you wearing that night? How much did you drink? Do you usually go out for drinks with your coworkers?

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