Chapter 2: Rainy

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Jennie wakes up to a strange yet familiar damp feeling on her face. She squints her eyes, groaning softly, before opening her eyes to find Nora, one of Jaebum's cats, licking her face. It's the perfect good morning greeting.

"Good morning," Jennie softly calls as she stands up from bed and takes the cat onto her arms. "Your dad left already, didn't he? What time is it? He's probably at work now." She glances at their bedside watch, which tells her it's a little bit past nine, before exiting their bedroom.

She walks to their kitchen to get herself breakfast and give their children—a group of lovable cats and dogs that she and Jaebum are taking care—their food only to find everything prepared for her. All of Jennie's dogs; Oreo, Gimbap, Kunkun; together with Jaebum's other cats; Kunta and Odd—are all done with their breakfast already. Jennie walks to the dining table where a hearty breakfast is waiting for her, with a note just beside her spoon, which says:

I know you'll only eat cereal again so I woke up early and prepared a nice breakfast for my famous wife ^^ Eat up, love. Call me when you wake up.

PS. I already fed the kids so you just have to worry about finishing yours!

It's out of character but Jaebum's softness always comes out when it comes to Jennie. Sometimes, he even goes overboard with it but even though it's making her cringe, Jennie can't help but break into a wide smile.

She quickly runs to their room to get her phone then back to the kitchen. She takes a photo of her breakfast and sends it to Jisoo, just wanting to annoy her best friend with her grossly cheesy breakfast. After sending the photo, she sits and starts with her breakfast, calling Jaebum just as he said in his note.

When he didn't pick up any of Jennie's two calls, she figured that he might be in a middle of an operation and decides to just call later. She then goes to check her email in her phone—it's her daily thing to check her emails first thing in the morning. There weren't new emails, especially when she spent the last night finishing all her work, so she went to check her social media instead.

It's been two weeks since the launch of YMF, but Jennie is still getting a fair amount of write-ups about her and the foundation. People are tagging her on the different write-up and most of them, if not all, are pretty good responses. The foundation didn't spend much on PR. Except the PR kits they gave away during the event; the good response is solely rooted from Jennie's warmth and beautiful speech during the event. Two weeks later and Jennie is still overwhelmed with how the public responded.

She finished her breakfast and did the dishes before stepping in the bathroom for a warm bath. She woke up later than usual and is now late for work. Though the foundation works with flexible hours, her team is for sure wondering why she's not there yet.

She took a bath and get dressed as quickly as she can. She was gathering her things when she realized she has fourteen messages and seven missed calls from Jisoo in the past forty minutes. Jennie quickly panics, that is way too much overreacting for the photo she sent this morning. There must be something going on at the foundation. The word emergency in one of Jisoo's messages was what confirmed Jennie's hunch.

In panic, Jennie ran to her car and quickly drives to the foundation, too focused on getting there fast that she didn't even have the time to call Jisoo back or even check her other messages.

Jennie tries her best to keep her head on the road and hand on the wheel. Her anxiety is building up the nearer she gets to the foundation. It's a weird sensation that's been eating her up the past weeks. Since they started planning the Foundation's launch, to the stressful launching event, up until waiting for write ups and feedbacks and volunteers, Jennie has dedicated her all for the foundation. She didn't leave any detail left unsupervised. It's crazy and really stressful but she didn't let any negativity get into her. This is something that she likes to do, it's her passion and she's more than willing to dedicate her all in it.

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