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" Look, I knew my body's in there. " Jackson said, his eyes not moving an inch away from one of the cylinder container. The girl then furrowed her eyebrows before turning to where the guy was staring at. That was before they saw the ceiling- appeared a robotic weapon aiming at them,

 That was before they saw the ceiling- appeared a robotic weapon aiming at them,

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" What the- " The girl got her sentence cut off in the midway.


Kimberly slowly lifted her eyelids to find herself at a familiar place- her room. She couldn't believe what actually happened back there and that she's back here in just a glimpse of an eye. With that, the thought of Jackson struck in her like a lightning. She whipped her head to her right and saw the guy immediately, where he was sitting a little lifelessly on the floor.

That explains how the girl knew it was him who had teleport both of them out of that place before the robotic thingy could kill any of them.

" Damn, that thing almost shoot us and cause our death. " Jackson said, panting heavily-his lips turned pale by now. It was obvious he was sweating hard. Instantly, the girl remembered what Jackson had said about teleporting two people at once would cause.

' Gosh, he needs blood. '

" I'm gonna die soon, would you- mind giving me one of the bottle of blood I gave you? " He sounded extremely weak and exhausted by now plus that heavy panting.

" Well, Jackson. . I would've given you as much as you need but the thing is, . .I've finished them. " She fiddled her fingers in embarrassment and guilt within her.

" I gave you those like a few days ago, and now you're telling me it's finished? Gosh, such a big appetite. Not to mention, you're not even a full vampire yet. Can't imagine what'll happen if you actually became one. "

The girl stayed silent while thinking of a way to help, which she suggested to go to Karry for help but Jackson knew he'd die before she could even make it. That was when a stupid thought appeared in the girl's mind,

" I have a suggestion, why don't you just bite your own lips until it bleeds and just drink your own blood for now. "

Kimberly laughed so loud that you could almost see tears filling in her eyes. Somehow, Jackson did not give any reaction towards her and just stared at the girl before replying with a sudden smirk,

" Why don't I bite yours instead? "

She froze right after he ended his sentence, not believing what she just heard. Just when her face turned crimson red and her heart rate increased, Jackson unexpectedly smiled.

" Okay, I hope everything is fine here, I brought some- " Karry appeared out of nowhere and his eyes landed right on the girl whom was blushing madly while the guy sitting on the floor looked extremely pale as if he were to die soon.


" Luckily you came in time, or else I'm gonna die there. " Jackson sighed in relief, holding an empty bottle which had just finished earlier before placing it right on the table.

" Yeah, but I wonder what happened before I came? What did you do to Kim? " Karry questioned with an eyebrow raised, making the girl felt awkward all of a sudden. Jackson turned towards Kimberly for a second, glancing at her reaction towards the question before he decided to reply,

" Ah, nothing much. By the way, I finally knew where's my body. I was right all along. "

" The museum? " Karry raised an eyebrow. He tried to make sure even if he already knew the answer and eventually earned a nod from his friend.

" There was a hidden floor below, " Kimberly said, trying to help Jackson after she decided in her mind to not kept quiet and just hear. Karry then gestured the girl to continue, starting to show some interest and curiosity with the situation. With that, she continued,

" When we got down there, there were tons of huge cylinder container or sort. I don't know what it was but it looks like it could fit a human in there. "

" It can, have you ever heard of the news where cryogenics wants to freeze human that had incurable disease before they die? They thought they might someday bring them back to life when they've finally found a cure. That is what I think was happening to my body by now, but their main goal was to keep my body safe, and see if there is any other uses. " Jackson answered before Karry could even react, leading the whole room to silence right when he finished his sentence. Kimberly slightly nodded her head, agreeing that she had heard of this in the news before.

" The thing is- you both mentioned about the weight thingy, am I right? " Karry asked, with his arms folded. Both nodded their heads right away, inching nearer towards Karry as their curiosity managed to make them feel eager to hear his explanation. Without further ado, he continued his sentence immediately in order to satisfy their curiosity,

" That floor actually detects your weight. "

" Knew it. Those freaking scientists are way too much. For all I know there are retinal, voice, thumbprints, and palm detector. But, I never knew that there would be people who would even invent a weight detector. It's somehow logic because, we all know weight changes easily while our retinal and the others lasts forever. " Jackson's fist met the marble floor, he seemed to be somehow pissed when he thought of those scientists. After hearing Jackson's logic, the girl decided to ask,

" If that is the case, why would they still use the weight detector? Aren't they afraid that whenever their weight changed, they might not be able to get near to that hidden space? "

" They are. However, they have their own ways. You know, they aren't stupids. They are scientists for a reason. And I believe, we might be able to use their way as well. " Karry smirked, before both Jackson and Kimberly turned to glance at each other in sync— wondering what Karry had in his mind.

" If they wanted to use this weight detector, they have to stick to this one rule. Which is, no overeating but only less. If they ever overeat, there is no way for them to get near to that hidden space ever again unless they managed to lose their weights. But, I believe they wouldn't overeat. Chances for scientists like them to overeat is really small I'd have to say because of overload works and stress. " He continued after taking a deep breath,

" Which is why, this rule is not impossible for them to follow. And if their weights ever decreases, it doesn't mean that they couldn't bring some stuffs in to match their weights when the device first recorded it, in order to match it. "

" So, that is your plan is it? Bring some useless stuffs with us, just to match it with their weights. " Jackson asked, emphasizing on the word useless, while staring and held onto a huge yet thick blanket on Kimberly's bed. Kimberly knew Jackson meant that the thing he was holding onto, was one of those useless stuffs he meant. The girl then rolled her eyes, as she then stated a fact which somehow spoiled their excitements,

" But, the problem here is, we don't know their weights. "

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