Last Christmas

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**a week after
**CY/MN/DH/TZ waiting for Jihyo to finish her class
Chaeyoung: thank you Minari, my professor loves my artwork
Mina: you're welcome
Dahyun: thanks Tzuyu for also helping me with my assignment
Tzuyu: you're also welcome
Dahyun: now I have a new project.
Tzuyu: what is it? Do you need help?
Dahyun: I need to produce a web based tv channel and showcase a weekly episode
Chaeyoung: weekly?
Dahyun: yes. I need to think different concept every week for the showcase
Chaeyoung: you should ask omma Jeongyeon. JMN have connections with broadcasters. Maybe they can help you with ideas for your weekly episode
Dahyun: maybe later I'll drop by Momo's office
Chaeyoung: she doesn't have office anymore
Dahyun: what? Why?
Mina: oh yeah right, Sana unnie is now working in the company. Momo unnie is now a dance teacher.
Dahyun: what? Since when?
Chaeyoung: I think Sana unnie started today
Dahyun: why am I only getting this info now? Momo didn't mention anything to me
**car honking
Momo: hey honey
Dahyun: bye girls see you tomorrow
CY/MN/TZ: bye
**DahMo conversation inside the car
Dahyun: I have a new project for school
Momo: yeah, what is it?
Dahyun: I need to produce a web based tv channel and showcase a weekly episode. Can you help me? I know you have connections with broadcasting companies.
Momo: uhm actually. I just quit the management position. I am still the co-owner of the company but I don't manage it anymore. I want to focus on being a dance teacher.
Dahyun: who is your replacement?
Momo: Sana
**pretending she doesn't know
Dahyun: what?!? Since when?
Momo: since today
Dahyun: now I'm screwed. How will I do this project Momo: i still have my connections. I can still call them and ask them a favor.
Dahyun: thanks honey
Momo: you're welcome
**back in school
Mina: Jihyo!
Jihyo: hey girls. Are you all done? Let's go
Chaeyoung: let's go
**while in Jihyo's car
Mina: uhm can I ask you girls something?
Chaeyoung: sure
Mina: uhm Tzuyu and Jihyo used to date right?
Tzuyu: yeah
Mina: what happened? Not that I don't like Sana unnie for Jihyo. I just want to know your story.
Jihyo: well.... you know Sana used to date Tzuyu first, then Tzuyu broke up with Sana because she started flirting with Dahyun.
Tzuyu: and Jihyo unnie was there to comfort me after we broke up.
Jihyo: but she flirts with everyone.... no offense
Mina: actually back at home. She really likes to be clingy with her friends. Maybe because she's an only child.
Chaeyoung: maybe that's why Sana unnie and Dahyun didn't last because she's clingy to everyone. Actually we don't know what really happened. Just one day we got the news that they broke up and that Sana unnie is back in Japan.
Mina: so back then Dahyun is with Sana and Tzuyu is with Jihyo. And Chaeyoungah?
Chaeyoung: yeah I'm the fifth wheel 😂
Mina: isn't it kinda awkward going out.
Chaeyoung: no I'm fine with it
Mina: no I mean Tzuyu going out with Jihyo then there's you ex also dating your best friend.
Tzuyu: actually no. I have Jihyo that time. So I don't mind seeing Sana and Dahyun together. Maybe at first but eventually time passes and I got the hang of it. Thanks to Jihyo unnie
Mina: it looks like you were good together. Why broke up?
Jihyo: it was a mutual decision. She was in her senior year in high school and I was already in college. Our schedule couldn't meet. So we decided that it will be better if just take a break and focus on school.
Mina: wow! and you girls are still close friends
Jihyo: yeah
Tzuyu: as long as Sana unnie doesn't break Jihyo unnies heart. She's ok with me.
Chaeyoung: speaking of Sana unnie breaking Jihyo unnies heart. Kidding. Uhm how did you two get together. I thought she was still in Japan
Jihyo: remember last Christmas. She was actually here in Korea
Mina: yeah I came with her. She help me looked for a house to rent. Because my mom said that she doesn't want me to stay at a dormitory when I start attending school here.
Jihyo: she called me that time. We met for coffee. Then we kinda started talking everyday. I must admit that she is really clingy to everybody but she is also a good person.
Chaeyoung: why didn't she call Tzuyu or Me. Why you?
Jihyo: she tried calling you both but you wouldn't answer. She even considered calling Dahyun. But she knows that Momo will be so upset if she did.
Tzuyu: i was back in Taiwan last Christmas
Chaeyoung: ahh. I remember she did call me last year. Once I think. But I couldn't pick up because I was with Dahyun and auntie Momo that time
Mina: so Dahyun is now with Momo. Jihyo is with Sana. What about you two? Tzuyu? Chaeyoung? Don't tell me your dating each other? 😂😂😂
Tzuyu: both of us are single at the moment. But I think Chaeyoung likes someone at school
Chaeyoung: shut up
Jihyo: oh yeah. i think i know who.
Mina: who is it?
**reaching Tzuyu's house
Tzuyu: oops this is me. bye girls. See you tomorrow
JH/MN/CY: bye
Chaeyoung: so what about you Mina unnie. Do you have a special someone in your life right now?
Mina: nope
**Dahyun calling Chaeyoung
Chaeyoung: for a while, hello....
Dahyun: i need you for my next project
Chaeyoung: what? Why me?
Dahyun: just come over tonight. I'll explain it to you later.
Chaeyoung: ok fine. See you.
Mina: who was it?
Chaeyoung: Dahyun wants me to come over tonight to help her with her project
Mina: maybe they were able to get ideas for her project. And you're the main cast 😂
Chaeyoung: maybe. I'm gonna be star 😂
**reaching Mina's house
Mina: bye girls. Thanks Jihyo for the ride. Drive safe. See you tomorrow. Chaeyoungah. Text me when you get home.
Chaeyoung: ok. Bye Minari
Jihyo: you are too obvious my little sister
Chaeyoung: yeah I know. I can't help it whenever she's around.
Jihyo: do you want me to drop you off to Dahyun's house or are you going home with me first?
Chaeyoung: Dahyun's. Thanks unnie

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