Dinner (Sirius Black)

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"I really don't think we should go," your boyfriend of almost a year yelled from the other room. You were both currently getting ready for dinner at his parent's house. It was no secret that Sirius Black was not close to his parents, so he was trying to get out of it.

You were just finishing touching up you're makeup in his bathroom. "I spent way too much time getting ready for that,". You were wearing a purplish-black dress, it was floor length and the top was embellished with small rhinestones. And you knew you looked amazing. You walked out after deciding everything was perfect and saw Sirius sitting on his bed through the open bedroom door.

"Now I know we shouldn't go," he said standing up and looking you up and down. You roll your eyes and walk over to him.

  "Let's go before you get any bright ideas.". You look at his black velvet suit. And you give him a look that clearly showed you wanted to take him up on his offer, but you walked out of the door before either of you did anything. "Oh, that's just unfair." You ignore him as you make your way to the door of his apartment.

  The motorcycle ride was silent, to say the least. It proved just how nervous he was about meeting them. You hugged his waist tightly as usual but you wanted to be comforted, so you rested your head on his back. You couldn't see it, but he smiled a bit before speeding up a bit.

When the two of you get to the large house you grabbed his hand in comfort. "Hey, they'll love you. It's me I'm worried about," he said before pressing the bell next to the door. It was answered by a grumpy house elf that looked even more upset upon seeing Sirius.

"Kreacher. Good to see you again," he snarled and rolled his eyes. Sirius looked back up and offered his arm out for you to interlock yours in. A very proper gesture that he usually only did as a joke, but this time you weren't so sure if he was joking or not. You accepted and walked as he escorted you to a large room with three other people already there. The youngest of them, a boy who looked to be almost your age, was the first to see you enter and was currently just staring at you.

  You give him a smile and look back to Sirius as he clears his throat. This gained the attention of the other two people in the room. "Sirius, late as usual I see?" The lady looked him up and down and then over to you. Her eyes pierced through you before she showed a somewhat impressed smirk.

  "Of course, (Y/N) this is Walburga, Orion, and my younger brother Regulus," you nodded as he pointed to each person. "Well, we've delayed dinner for long enough. So everyone, take a seat."

  You do and you were shocked to see that Sirius had pulled your chair out for you. You gave him a strange look before sitting down. You look at the fancy dishes and silverware and figured that the salad fork was probably worth more than your apartment. And that this made you quite nervous, it didn't help that no one was talking. After about five minutes of no talking and the food had yet to be served you piped up.

  "So Regulus, what year are you in," he looked shocked to have someone ask him something. "Seventh," he said. "Cool. Are you on a quidditch team?". He was about to respond with a door opened. It was the house elf, and he had a couple of plates.

  "Tonight's dinner includes, blackened swordfish with steamed beans and puréed potatoes." He started placing the plates in front of everybody as you took a sip of a glass of water that was sitting there.

"So what about marriage or children," You cough on the water as she asked this. Sirius has a mortified look on his face, you could also tell he was getting pissed. You put your hand over your mouth as you calm yourself. "I'm sorry?" You look to Sirius for comfort but he just looks pissed.

  "Have you two not talked about these things yet. I mean you might want to start talking about these things,". Sirius got very upset at this. "Mother, please."

  "I'm sorry that you two aren't thinking like responsible adults. Just like that Potter boy you hang around with. Marring that mudblood with no respect for his bloodline...".

  "MOTHER THAT IS ENOUGH!" He slammed his fists on the table and stood up. You had never seen him snap like this. You grabbed his hand and when he looked at you shook your head which basically told him it wasn't worth it. He took a breath and turned to leave the room. You looked back at him and gave him the time he needed to cool off. You look down and you don't really know what to do or say. I don't think anyone did, but I could hear the sounds of silverware against a plate.

  "I actually played quidditch for a while. Did you play at all?" Regulus tried to ease the tension. "No actually, but my parents did so I grew up loving it.". He nodded as you looked back to see if Sirius was returning yet. And of course, he wasn't.

  "Excuse me, but I'm going to go look for Sirius," you say before standing up and going to find your boyfriend. You looked through a couple of rooms but to no avail, but then you had passed a room with a large tapestry that caught your attention. It was a family tree and was very elegant. You decided you to walk in as wanted to see Sirius' picture but you were only greeted by a scorched mark that coved his face and part of his name.

"Excuse me?" You jumped as Sirius' mother walked into the room. "I... I am so sorry. I was just curious of what this was and I didn't mean to..."

"Don't try to explain yourself." You looked down in embarrassment. She walked over to the large tree and just looked at the remanence of the portrait of her first son, "It was a surprise that the boy found someone like you."

"Excuse me?" You ask confused as to what she was getting at. "Well, as you know Sirius left after he was disowned by the family. His relationship with us was very strained because of his views on certain things. The stupid boy left got that James Potter and that just unleashed the disappointment he was, only he likes showing it now. Really the only reason he's here is because you could carry our pure blood line. It was shocking to also see that you are polite and know how to dress to an occasion,".

You stood there astonished. "How dare you talk about him like that," she seemed shocked at your outburst, "Sirius is one of the best people I have met in my entire life and I will not just sit here as you talk down on him. An I'm also not going to only be with him because you want your pure blood line to continue. And if we were to have children you can be damn sure they would never meet you!".

You turned and walked to the other room but you saw none other then Sirius looking at you. He looked happy in a way. "Say your goodbyes. You two are leaving," his mother pushed past the two of you.

"Sorry about that she just made me frustrated,". He grabbed you and pulled you in the biggest hug. He then walked you out the door without anything being said to his family and he seemed very content on the ride back to his apartment. And when you got back, you felt very strange. You knew it was bad to snap like that but you knew you had done the right thing. But stripping from the dress and getting ready for bed was one of the best feelings as it felt like the stress washed away. You sat on Sirius' bed and watched as he got pajama pants on and took off his shirt.

He sighs and jumps on the bed, and scooted next to you. "That could've gone better," I shifted besides him him and laid on my side. I decided to just put my head on his shoulder and took a breath. He had a couple of freckles scattered across his chest that you connected with your finger.

"I think it went great," You placed a small kiss in his shoulder before resting your head back to where it was. "I mean, I was pretty badass back there.". He laughed and kissed you on the forehead. The two of you fell asleep not much later knowing that you had survived hell together.

  Next one is Remus lads. (Partially based off a dream I had. Only I replaced Sirius was 80's era Christian Slater. Don't ask me why, my brain is fucking weird.)

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