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Jinhwan had managed to convince a member of staff to let them borrow his car, dismissing him when he offered to drive. "This is a family matter, sir."

Jiwon gave him a tight hug when he came back before they all ran to the car, the two youngest in the back which included a lot of telepathic confusion because neither of them could decide which side they liked better until Chanwoo just decided to leave for Yunhyeong and Donghyuk which Junhoe didn't mind so much because it meant that he could lie down again and ignore Yunhyeong's warnings about seat belts. Jinhwan was default shotgun without any of them even talking it over and Jiwon checked through each section of the car to make sure they were all there, smiling when he saw Junhoe reaching over a car seat to bug Yunhyeong who glared at him while Chanwoo tried to appease things and Donghyuk was trying to break them up while Jinhwan only seemed to be adding more fuel to the fire. It was already a mess.

Jiwon opened his own door to what he expected, a racket, and he slipped into his seat, calling out, "Let's go," as he pulled on his own seatbelt and everyone got quieter in an instant. It made Jiwon feel a bit weird and shy, moving slower as he quietly clicked in the belt. Maybe this was how a leader felt. But then they were off and Jiwon was already arguing with every single one of them about music choices and it made him grin because no, he wasn't a leader. He'd never be one and he was really okay with that.

Two walks in grey – two streets away from the building, long streets that would be enough to 'make your hair go grey' or maybe it was 'make your day grey'. Streets that long were on the left, and Jiwon was on it.

Across pasquinade – Cartoon Street. Pasquinade meant some kind of publicly displayed satire, Jiwon had heard Hanbin use it in an unreleased song once to metaphor how celebrities who only put one foot in the wrong place were seen as by netizens, and Jiwon knew immediately that in this riddle, Hanbin meant the 'street of fun', where cartoons and caricatures littered the walls and more. Hanbin said across, meaning he had to be past the street.

Light up the way – Hanbin was in a place that required flashlights. Somewhere dark, somewhere like a forest. Exactly like a forest because Jiwon had previously been to the forest that he saw when he drove down, he remembered it like clear day. Jiwon had to park the car lower down, knowing that there wasn't enough space for him to drive inside, besides it was so dark, what if he accidentally ran Hanbin over?

I'm tired today – Jiwon decided not to think too deep about that. He was sure that it just meant literally that Hanbin was tired and it was probably more to assure the others than to be part of the riddle, a sort of reasoning for why he ran away without saying too much. He probably had no money, and Jiwon had drink and food ready for him.

Only Hanbin. Only Hanbin would do something like this, and it made Jiwon want to do everything from punching him to hugging him to kissing him, he just- anything. He needed to know if he was right. If this was really what Hanbin meant, or if it was something else that Jiwon was just too dumb for.

"We're here?" Yunhyeong asked with wide eyes, clutching onto the back of Jiwon's seat as he leant forward and Jiwon nodded, turning around to look at the others. Even Junhoe was sitting up again with visibly messier hair.

"I think so. I...guys, look," Jiwon muttered, swallowing because his mouth felt so incredibly dry with all the expecting eyes peering at him. "Please, I'm begging, let me talk to him alone at first. I think I know why he's run away, and I think it was because of something I did."

"What did you do?" Jinhwan asked, looking calmly ready to burst into flames and Donghyuk moved forward to wrap his arms around the elder from behind, pinning him back.

"Hear him out, hyung."

"I don't know if I can tell you guys now but...I will. I promise," Jiwon mumbled, making the mistake of looking at Junhoe who had that twinkle in his eyes again. "Please, just let me make this right then we'll all have a great big hug fest with Hanbin, and you can beat me up too. But if you want us to all go in together right off the bat then I get that too. All your choice."

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