A little less conversation a little more action

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At this time it was evening, the fight would happen in the morning. The leader of the centaurs went to go sort out all the mini details with Benjamin, Caspian was taking care of Sunny and Peter was in the how battle plan studding.

Susan was inside with Lucy, there was a guard posted by me just in case anything happened. I was practicing sword fighting techniques, however I looked really stupid waving around a sword at no one.

I actually wanted to be alone, to regain my composure. To settle my mind, I often hid in a whole when I'm pushed into a corner. Even tho I'm extroverted, I can be really introverted at times and hide my feelings. That's bad usually, if my cup spills and gets knocked over I act like a amoeba. It's a habit I have, I try not to stuff things in..but I'm not good at talking about my feelings.

So what I was hoping was quiet time for me, would soon be joined by the man I could swoon over...I think I did at times.


I then heard snickering, I turned around and looked at Caspian my blade still grasped in my hand.

"Your going to get nowhere if you keep practicing on your own." He snickered as he twirled his sword around in his hand.

I sighed and looked at him with a (are you serous look) he just looked amused by me, "You have a sister to take care of prince.."

"That sister you speak of us fast asleep, so I have about a hour to kill before dinner." He smirked putting his blade in the air and standing in a horse stance.

I rolled my eyes and picked up my blade, "Bet?"

"Yes...who ever wins has to kiss one of the horses on the mouth?" He smirked playfully.

I shrugged not amused because I've done that more times then I can count, "Easy, make a better one."

He scrunched his nose, "fine, you have to flirt with the first person who comes out of the how...no matter the gender."

"Ok..go ahead and make your first swing granny." I smirked getting into my horse stance.

He swung for my head, however I ducked and swung at his feet which he easily jumped, he swung for my side however I turned my blade to the side just in time. He pulled back as we walked in a circle, I then swung and he blocked this time. Our two swords were pushing agents each other, but I managed to push Caspian's sword away  from me with some force that he was bent over for one split second. Finally I placed my sword above his back as it hovered over, I smirked as I defeated my enemy.

"Fine you win again." He laughed as I pulled away and place my sword in its sheath.

"Caspian!" Benjamin called coming out of the how.

I laughed, "oh this should be good, Ready, set, flirt."

Caspian turned red and gave a small sigh, I just laughed at this.

"Benjamin have I ever told you how your eyes sparkle when ever I look at them?" Caspian told him in a seductive voice.

Benjamin stoped right in front of him and stammered, "Ughh..I...I...no...whats.."

"Hush...don't say one word. Let me take you to heaven." Caspian grinned as he took Benjamin's hand.

Benjamin looked at me with wide eyes, I just stood there laughing at the both of them. I wish I had some way to film this, black mail material.

Benjamin immediately pulled his hand away, "N...no thanks."

"What are you afraid of??? That I will be too much for you?" Caspian whispered in his ear loud enough for me to hear.

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