Chapter 4: New Friends

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The day after the twins' show, Paz and Gideon were home. When they walked into the gift shop, Bud was making up some story for a stuffed monkey with a third eye glued to its forehead and Robbie was behind the cash register. He waves when he sees them. They both wave back.

Gideon sits on the stool next to the counter and Paz sits on a treasure chest full of knick knacks against the wall.

"Hey guys," Robbie says. "Any plans for today?"

Gideon shrugs. "Not really."

"We could go see the Gleeful twins?" Paz suggests.

Gideon shakes his head. "It wasn't very good."

Robbie looks surprised. "Wow."


"Nothing. Just a lot of people think the Gleefuls are the greatest thing since sliced bread," Robbie says. "It's unusual if someone doesn't like the show."

Paz giggles. "Gideon doesn't like magic," she says. "He thinks it's all just smoke and mirrors."

"It is," Gideon says. "You can see how they do most of their tricks."

"You're not supposed to try and explain the tricks," Robbie says with a smile. "You're supposed to be willing to believe it."

"That's what I told him!" Paz says smiling wide.

A customer walks over, holding a snow globe and T-shirt in her arms, and Robbie excuses himself for the moment. After the customer leaves, they resume the conversation.

"So, Gideon, you don't believe in any type of magic?" Robbie asks.

"Nope," he says with finality. "Never will."

"Oh, boo!" Paz says.

Robbie chuckles. "Seems like you've got your mind made up," he says.

Gideon nods with his arms crossed.

The gift shop door opens with a jingle. The Gleeful twins themselves step inside and scan the little shop. They don't look too happy to be there. They're wearing what one could only assume are their 'street clothes' even though the skirt Mabel is wearing looks like it costs more than everything in the gift shop combined.

Robbie and the kids exchange startled and confused looks. "What are they doing in here?" Robbie asks in a whisper.

Paz shrugs without looking away.

"How are we supposed to know?" Gideon whispers back.

The twins' eyes land on Gideon and Paz and they strut over and Robbie actually looks like he's nervous just to be interacting with them.

"We need to talk to you two," Dipper demands.

Paz is the first to stammer out some words. "U-... Us? Why?"

"Does it matter?" he asks with an eyebrow raised.

Gideon and Paz exchange looks and slide off their seats and lead the twins to the living room.

"You guys can sit wherever you like," Paz offers with a friendly smile.

"Thank you but this shouldn't take too long," Mabel says, staring at a stain on the floor in disdain. She manages to tear her eyes away and actually smile at them. "We'd just like to be the first to welcome you two to Gravity Falls," she says sweetly, looking from Paz to Gideon. "We noticed you at our show yesterday and we know everyone in town. It's nice to see some new faces, right?"

"Right," Dipper says. "We'd also like to see you at our next shows, if you're able."

Paz smiles at him and he smiles politely back and glances around the messy room.

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