Chapter 2: Robbie

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It was just past noon and Bud sat in his chair with the kids on either side of him on the floor. They were watching the movie channel when there was a knock on the door. Bud stood up and went to get it.

"Who do you think it is?" Paz asked quietly. Gideon shrugged. They both stood just past the doorway so they could see who it was.

Bud opened the door to a teenager with black hair and a polite smile on his face.

"Hi Mr. Pines," the boy said. "I'm sorry I'm a little late. My mom had to go out for a bit and I had to watch my younger sisters." he explained.

Bud smiled and stepped aside to let him in. "Things happen," he said, shrugging. "I'm just glad you're here. Thanks for coming Robbie. I just need your help putting some merchandise up on the shelves and cleaning up a bit more. Then you're free to leave."

"No problem, Mr. Pines. Ready to start?"

Bud nodded and Robbie returned it. When they turned to go to the shop, Paz and Gideon were standing there.

"Who is he?" Paz asked with wide eyes.

Bud slapped a palm to his forehead. "How could I forget? Robbie, this is my son Gideon and niece Paz. They'll be staying with me for the summer,"

Robbie smiled at each of them. "Hey guys," he said. "I work for Mr. Pines during the summer. So I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other."

"I'd like if, uh, we could be friends," Paz said quickly.

Robbie chuckled. "I'd like that too. I'll see you guys around."

Bud and Robbie left to go stock the shelves in the gift shop and Gideon turned to Paz with a smirk.

"What?" she asked.

"You like him, don't you?"

"No!" she said. "I just want to be friends! I just think he's cool!"

"Right," Gideon drawled. "Keep telling yourself that."

Gideon noticed Paz spent the rest of the day glancing again and again at Robbie while he worked. This only proved his theory from earlier was true. As much as he wanted to give her advice, he was no expert on relationships. So he watched Paz watch Robbie and wondered what would happen if she ended up asking him out. The first thing that came to mind was the obvious age difference. She was 12 while he was 15 or 16. The other problem was that they knew absolutely nothing about the guy. Though he seemed polite enough and Bud seemed to trust him, that didn't mean he wouldn't totally break Paz's heart if she told him how she felt.

Robbie only stayed for an hour and a half, stocking the shelves hadn't taken long. "All done, Mr. Pines," he said, carrying the last empty box over to the stack they started.

"Good job, Robbie," Bud said. "It looks good in here. Thanks again for the help."

"No problem."

"You know when you're supposed to come in tomorrow, right?" Bud asked.

Robbie nodded. "Yep. 9:30,"

"Good." Bud said. "Well, you're free to go for today. See you tomorrow."

"You too, Mr. Pines," Robbie said, waving. "Bye kids."

Gideon said a quiet goodbye from the living room and Paz waved from the kitchen table. "Bye Robbie!"

That night, Gideon cornered Paz into talking up in their room. "Paz, do you actually like him?" he asked her seriously.

She hesitated, looked at the window, at the floor and then finally back at her cousin. "Yeah," she said quietly. "I think I do."

"That's not a bad thing y'know," he said.

Paz nodded, looking down at her hands that were folded in her lap. "I know..."

"But?" he pressed. "I'm kind of... Scared, I guess," she said.

"Of what?"

"That he won't like me, that he'll laugh at me if I tell him."

Gideon's heart gave a little squeeze. "He won't laugh at you."

"How do you know?"

"Because he doesn't seem like the type to laugh at other people's feelings. He's too nice for that."

"You think so?" she finally looked over at him from her bed.

"Are you kidding? He calls my dad 'Mr. Pines'."

Paz giggles. "Yeah, that's pretty polite."

"Yeah," Gideon said, "and if you ever decide you want to ask him out or something, I'll be there."



"Thanks Gideon. You're the best."

"Night Paz "

"Night Gideon."

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