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I walked out of my Biology class holding my test in my hand. I had gotten a 95 on our unit test and I was planning on going to grab me some Chipotle to celebrate. Before I could get inside of my car I heard Lances voice as he yelled my name across the parking lot.

"Hey. You ready for our lunch date?", Lance asked as he smiled and tapped my arm.

I honestly forgot.

"Yea, where did you want to go", I smiled.

"Well I was thinking we grab something to eat at this fire restaurant downtown. I bet you've never been there before but their food is amazing.". He said gassing up the food.

I nodded my head.

"Sounds good. So are we driving separately or are you driving?"

"I can drive and just bring you back to pick up your car if that's cool?", he asked.


"Oohhh this is nice and you said you've been here before?", I said as we walked in and sat at a two seater table.

"Yea I've been here twice with my family and my homeboys. The lump crab cake sandwich is good. I get it every time.". Lance said leaning over and pointing at my menu.

I nodded while scanning my menu for other options.

"Hello. I'm Ruby and I'll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with any drinks?", the middle aged white woman said with a smile.

"Yes can I have a sweet tea with lemon.". I said and smiled.

"Sure can. And you sir?", Ruby asked.

"I'll have a pink lemonade.", Lance said.

"Alright and are you two ready to order?". She asked.

I nodded and we ordered. After Ruby wrote down our food orders, we handed her the menus and engaged in casual conversation.

"So you said you've been here before with your family. Tell me more about them?". I asked.

"Well there is my mom, dad, older brother and twin little sisters. I mean their cool but I invited you out to get to know you better.". He said and reached over to touch my hand.

I noticed that Lance was very touchy. Not in a creepy way but every time we talked he had to have some type of bodily contact with me. I was about to tell him about it but my attention went else where when I felt a gust of wind hit me as the restaurant door was being open.

I looked back only to be met with the man from the club last night.

Instantly I was stuck. This always happens when I see people outside of work. I always think their gonna recognize me and point out the fact that I strip in front of someone that doesn't know. Which is everyone besides the people I work with.

We made eye contact from me staring so hard and he smirked and nodded. I just turned around and put my attention back on Lance who was staring between me and ole dude with a weird facial expression.

"You know him?", Lance asked.

I shook my head.

"So you just stare at random niggas when you on a date with someone else?", he said with nonchalant attitude.

I shook my head again. I really didn't know what to say. I mean it's true I was staring but I didn't look at it as a date date. I looked at this as two friends having a casual lunch.

"Speak the fuck up!!", Lance yelled and slammed his hand on the table causing people to look our way.

I just looked at him with a shocked expression. I never seen Lance act this way and honestly it was starting to piss me off. My shocked expression turned into an angry one and before I could react a deep voice filled my ears.

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