Bad Wolf

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Chapter 1: Bad Wolf

-Rose Tyler's POV-

Slowly I woke up from my dreamless sleep, my head aching. I looked around the room I was in confused at how I had gotten here. I was alone... as far as I knew. There was a rustle and a shadow got up one knee, holding its head.

"Doctor" I whispered

"Rose" he groaned walking slowly over towards me. "Where are we?"

"YOU are asking ME where we are?" I questioned. "I really think it should be the other way around."

I started looking around the dark room when all of a sudden the lights flashed on surprising my eyes which made them hurt. I blinked a few times so I could see and I turned around.

"Doctor" I called.

"Yes?" He questioned.

"Turn around" I commanded. He turned around facing the direction I was and there stood a huge sign with two words on it "Bad Wolf" or as we think it means the end of time and the world. The Doctor rubbed his almost bald head. He is almost bald except for the short black hairs placed on his head and towards the side of his face. A door opened to our left.

"Fantastic" he said smiling as we walked through it.

-Captain Jack's POV-

I sat up quickly realizing I was on hard, cement floor. I looked around alert to see anyone... or anything. Martha Jones and Donna Noble where on both sides of me asleep and I noticed The Doctor's scraggly dark brown hair a couple feet away from them.

"Donna" I shook Donna until she woke up.

"I'm up. I'm up" she said exhausted. Her eyes widened as she took in her surroundings. She grabbed on to me as she realized we weren't on the TARDIS like we should be. "Where are we?"

"What are you guys talking about? We are on the TARDIS!" Martha growled grumpily getting up. She looked up "I... Take that back"

"Doctor" I called. He didn't stir. I walked a over to him and shook him. A fist flew through the air hitting me straight in the nose. My bottom fell on the floor and I slid backwards. "I don't know if I deserved that!"

"Sorry" The Doctor grumbled getting up and rubbing his head. A door opened to our right and we looked at each other. The Doctor smiled.

"Allonzy" he cried and ran for the door.

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