Chapter 7

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Lynn POV

I rush off to the bathroom. I just had to flee from there. All the feelings inside of me are so big and consuming that they're suffocating me. And every time I feel that way, I cut, it's as simple as that. Only right now I'm not home in my small bathroom, I'm in a suite with Stefani, or well, Lady Gaga. I won't be after this though, I think to myself while grabbing the razor from one of the shelves. I pull up my sleeve and cut. The first one is always the most satisfying. Someone tries to open the door and Stef's worried voice asks "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, go away," I yell back at her. I hate myself for it. But there's no way she can see this. I cut more and more and don't even notice the banging on the door until it blasts open and Stef bursts inside. For a second she just stands there, in shock, but after a few seconds kneels down next to me, pulls me into a hug and whispers "I'm gonna keep my promise." I just cry into her shoulder.

It has now been three days since that incident. Also happens to be three days since I last cut. Stef keeps telling me it's a good thing and I'm starting to believe her, even though I know sooner or later I'm gonna go back to cutting. She's also been making me eat, which, again, she assures me is a good thing. She even convinced me to weigh myself, so I would see I need to eat. I still look gross though. But at least I'm getting my energy back.

It has become a routine that we start every morning with me playing the piano and singing. Maybe my voice isn't as awful as I thought it was, I mean, she wouldn't ask me to sing if it was, would she?

Anyways, she's cooking right now. At least I think she is. But from the sound of it, she's arguing with someone on the phone. I turn off the TV I was watching and peek into the kitchen. Just soon enough to see Stef yelling goodbye to the phone in an angry voice and throw it on the counter. She buries her head in her hands and takes deep breaths, trying to calm down.

"What's wrong?" I ask carefully. I'm still a little scared around people that are angry. Even if they're not angry at me.

"My agent, he says I have to cut my vacation short and go back to New York, you know, music awaits," she says with sarcastic enthusiasm.

I nod. "Well, it was fun while it lasted," I say with a fake smile. I walk back to the living room, trying to hold back tears.

"What do you mean?" she asks, rushing after me.

"Well, you're going back to New York, I mean I knew it was gonna be someday so it's okay really, but I just don't want to go home." I answer, looking at the floor.

"Oh baby, you're coming with me. I promised you would never go back there and I'm gonna keep that promise. If you want to come with me though," she ends with a nervous smile.

I feel my face light up in a biggest smile possible. "Of course I want to come with you. But it's just that.." my voice trails off.

"But what?"

"Well, technically my dad is still my legal guardian, which means that he has custody of me," I say frowning.

"I know and I've thought about it a lot. If you're up for it, I would like to adopt you," she stated with a nervous smile. I feel so happy again. I start nodding and smiling and jumping up and down and screaming. "You're so cute," she laughs. "I'm gonna make a few phone calls then," she says, picking up her phone again and going out of the room.

It goes quiet for a while. And with for a while I mean 4 hours of complete silence.

I start to get worried, so I go looking for her. I find her in the bedroom, sitting on the bed and looking forward into nothingness. She doesn't react in any way when I walk into the room. It's...weird to say the least. I sit down next to her and wrap my hands around her. Even though I hear her steady breathing, her body is stiff and she doesn't move. I wonder what happened that put her into a shock.

We sit like that for a while, but at last, she loses the stiffness in her and looks at me. I raise an eyebrow. Is she going to explain what just happened or not. She has a fake smile on her face as she says, "All done, you're officially my daughter now."

"But what the hell just happened? You just sat here and didn't move, I was worried," I interrogate her.

She looks at me and I swear to god I saw a tear run down her cheek. Even though her voice sounded happy when she said, "I'm sorry, it's just a new mindfulness meditation I'm trying." I'm still suspicious, but I'm obviously not gonna get an answer out of her today, so I leave it at that. I get up to walk out of the room, when suddenly she speaks up. "Wait," she sounds nervous, "I actually do have something to tell you. And I thought I could hide it from you cause it can mess things up, but it's your right to know." She pauses and I plant my ass next to her again. "I called an adoption agency and they sent me to the one you were connected with. It turnes out I already have custody of you."


"14 yeats ago I got pregnant, by accident. I was scared to death since I wasn't in a steady relationship and I was just 19, living in a big hostile city with no money and no one to help me. So I decided, that instead of an abortion I'm gonna give the baby up for adoption. So I did. Two hours after she was born. I've never regretted anything more. After I found a steady job and a good enough income, I wanted to find her, but couldn't. So I gave up and buried her deep in my mind, I tried to forget her. But I couldn't do that either. So every day I've been missing her. Until you came around. You reminded me so much of myself. You reminded me of her, you were exactly as I imagined her. I don't need to fight for your custody or adopt you. Because you are already my daughter."

Author's note

HAHAHA, plot twist! I know it was obvious, but I've kinda been building it up from chapter 1. Anyways, did you like this chapter? As always, criticism is welcome. But that's a wrap for this chapter, I'll try to update soon, but meanwhile, be kind and love one another! XOXO

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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