You only hear, if you listen 💉~24

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Kol had taken us to an alleyway with nobody else in to calm himself down.

"Sorry about snapping his neck infront of you, I get a little bit... angry, I was going to kill him there and then, but what would be the fun in that" kol says laughing to himself.

I gasp lightly with what he had just said, and I thought klaus was a crazy murderer no offence klaus.

"Kol, there would be no reason to kill him, you can't take away peoples lives for the sake of it" I reply softly.

"I had every right to kill him, he killed you for crying out loud" he says quite agitatedly walking closer to me, I gulp quietly to myself getting quite frightened of what he was going to do.

"That doesn't give you the right to kill him, you barely know me, I'm not worth your time trust me" I explain.

His hands reach each side of me, and his facial expression darkened.

"Don't say that malone, you are worth every single moment okay?" He says grinning after seeing me have a slight panicking moment.

"Let's get back, I just remembered I don't need to feed off a human, klaus set me with some blood bags" I say awkwardly.

"You're so boring" he chuckles, we both walk back to our home, it feels strange calling it our, because I never originally lived there.

As soon as we get in I rush up the stairs back into my room. I sigh with relief, I don't know what it is about Kol, but I have a liking towards him. He is protective and makes me feel safe, and I've barely known him for a day.

Whatever I'm feeling I have to push away, my lover is klaus... and I love him with all my heart.

After a long time I walk downstairs and head for the kitchen. I wanted a glass of milk, and had no idea where to get it from.


And Kol was in the room within a split second.

"What do you need love?" He asks.

"I don't know where the milk is, and I would like some please" I say turning a bright red, how embarrassing.

"I thought it was something serious for a moment there" he said laughing.

"It is serious, my craving for milk is as serious as it can get" I scoff.

He passes me a glass of milk, I could have done it myself.

I take small sips and realise he is still in the room, why?

"So... are you and my brother a proper thing" he asks curiously.

"Why do you ask? I do not need to tell you my love life details" I reply stubbornly.

"No need to get protective, i was just wondering, also, can you two keep it down in the bedroom you are so loud" he says confidently.

I suddenly choke on my milk and put my glass on my side.

"WHY DO YOU LISTEN" I yell shocked.

I watch as he laughs and my face once again turns a bright red.

"I don't listen, I have super great hearing remember, vampire" he replies smirking.

"Kol, you only can hear things from a really far distance if you listen closely" says Elijah walking in, in his usual suit.

I grinned at Elijah's response and he smiles back. Thank god elijah had my back. But that means Kol was listening purposely, oh my god.

Kol leaves furiously, I bet he was trying to hide his bright red face.

"I'm sorry my brothers are so immature, they drool over you and disrespect you too much" Elijah says taking out a blood bag.

"No worries, I'm used to it now" I say laughing.

"you can spend the day with me tomorrow, you don't need Kol crushing on you anymore" he says laughing.

"Plus I haven't spent time with one of my most trustworthy and best friends in a while, so it would be great to catch up" he finishes.

"That's fine with me!" I reply smiling, he was right, I've been too busy with klaus I haven't spent time with one of my closest friends.

Sweetheart 💉❤️ -klaus fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now