Chapter Seven

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I need to thank @cji1i85 for helping with this chapter. 


Raven finished the tattoo on her last client of the day, cleaned up her work station and locked the cash drawer in the safe before heading back to her house for a quick shower. She spent a few minutes deciding what to wear before settling on a form-fitting pair of jeans with a tank top that showed off her tattoos nicely. She pulled on her combat boots and spent a few minutes on her makeup before taking her bike to the clubhouse to meet Trixie.

Raven pulled up in the spot she was quickly claiming as hers, smiling at Chibs and Tig before walking inside ahead of them and spotting Trixie, Harmony, and Dani at the bar.

"What's up, bitches?"

She smiled when Harmony raised a glass of what looked like whiskey in greeting. Raven took the available seat next to Trixie as Half Sack poured her a bourbon, thanking him as he slid it over to her. Taking a sip, Raven looked at Trixie with a raised brow.

"Where are we heading tonight?" 

Trixie grinned and downed her shot of tequila before answering. "I thought we could hit Oak Town, see what's happening?"

The ladies finished their drinks before marching out of the clubhouse. The boys were in church so they didn't bother waiting to tell their respective old men where they were headed. Dani, being new, wanted to let Juice know she was heading out, but after a bit of persuasion from the others, let it lie. 

They grabbed a cab down the road from the clubhouse and arrived in Oakland a short 20 minutes later. Raven pointed to the bar at the end of the street, paying no attention to the row of bikes outside. Harmony and Trixie shared a look, both knowing this could go bad quickly but also knowing there was no reasoning with Raven once she had made a decision.

Harmony sighed and elbowed Trixie as they followed their friend down the street. "You know this could go sideways in a matter of seconds, right?"

Trixie blew out a breath and looked at the redhead as she nodded. "Yup. Let's just hope that the natives aren't too restless tonight."


Marcus had been watching the four women from the moment that they had walked in the bar. He had been ready to leave, exhausted after the long day, but had decided to stick around and keep an eye on the table in the corner. He knew three of them but it was the fourth that held his attention. He'd never seen the brunette before and his interest was piqued as he watched her laugh and chat with her friends.

Of course, he knew Trixie and Harmony were Jax and Opie's old ladies, and he was sure he had seen the one with the purple hair and tattoos with one of their newer patches, but this one was beautiful and he knew that he wouldn't mind getting to know her a little better. He shook his head at himself. It wasn't like him to be taken by a pretty girl, and he was almost certain that she probably belonged to one of the Sons. His eyes narrowed as he watched a group of obviously drunk men walk over to their table. His second-in-command, Luis, sat down beside him and nodded over to the women.

"Don't they belong to the Sons?"

Marcus grinned and nodded. "Si, although they would likely say that they belong to themselves, ese. I'm going to step outside and make a call. Keep an eye on them for me."

After Luis agreed to babysit the four women, Marcus walked outside and pulled his burner from his pocket. Quickly finding the number he needed, he waited for them to answer.

"It's Marcus. We have a situation here that you should be made aware of, amigo."


"Son of a bitch!" Harmony and Raven looked up in surprise as Trixie pointed to the door. There stood Jax, Opie, and Rane, and all three looked pissed. Marcus said something to Jax before he walked toward their table with the three Sons. "I can't believe Marcus ratted!"

Raven cursed under her breath as the four men stopped at the table. Jax looked at each of the women before narrowing his gaze on his old lady. "Little out of your area, aren't you ladies?" Trixie rolled her eyes and he smirked. "Yeah, make it worse, babe."

Trixie shrugged. "We weren't doing anything but having a few drinks." She gave Marcus a dirty look, making the Mayan grin. "Way to sell us out, Marcus. I thought we were buddies."

Marcus just nodded. "Si, we are, Trixie, but I also feel a need to look out for your safety. Who better to keep you safe than your own old men?"

Jax just shook his head before nodding to Marcus. "I appreciate the heads up. We'll put Dani in a cab. The other girls can ride behind us."

Raven shook her head, making Rane glare at her. "I'm not letting her ride home alone. I'll take the cab ride with her."

Marcus shook his head. "No need. I'll escort... Dani."

Jax lifted a brow. "Are you sure, man? I don't want to put you out or anything. Her brother wasn't available to come get her." He looked at Dani. "Savvy was having some Braxton Hicks and he didn't want to leave her and Charlie there alone."

Marcus just grinned as Dani nodded. "It's not a problem."

As the other men escorted their women out of the bar, Marcus stopped beside Dani and put a hand on her lower back, motioning for her to go ahead. He looked at Luis and the younger man nodded, following the group outside. Once by the bikes, Marcus got on his then nodded to Dani to get on behind him. He heard her mutter something to herself as she used his shoulders for leverage to climb onto the bike. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at her.

"Have you ridden before?"

Dani nodded and grinned. "Yeah, a few times."

Marcus just nodded. "Good. Then you know to hold on tight."

He sucked in a breath when he felt her arms wrap around his stomach and her thighs resting against his. It had been a long time since a woman had ridden with him, and if he was only getting this one time with Dani, he was going to enjoy every second of it.

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