Chapter Eight - Unexpected Support III

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I was reading from the history text when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in," I called.

The door opened, and I was surprised to see the entire Furukawa family. The ladies gave a more traditional greeting of "Hello, Okazaki-san," while Nagisa's dad opted for "Hey, brat."

I quickly gave up my chair for Sanae and went to get a chair for Nagisa. I would have gotten one for Pops, but he beat me to it. "What, you think I can't carry a chair?" he grumbled.

"Akio-san, I believe he was trying to be respectful," Sanae gently scolded before facing me. "That is what you were trying to do, wasn't it?"

"Yes ma'am," I replied honestly while thanking her on the inside for sticking up for me.

"See, Dad?" Nagisa chimed in. "I told you Okazaki-san has a good heart; it's just his mouth gets in the way."

Akio just 'Tched' while putting a cigarette in his mouth. Fortunately, he chose not to light it in the hospital. He waved the remaining pack in Fuuko's direction. "That's her, then?"

I walked to the side of the bed opposite Sanae, and resisted the urge to take Fuuko's hand. "If you're talking about the one whose sister got married last month, yes she is."

Akio leaned forward in his chair and took a closer look. "She's cute. Not as cute as Nagisa, of course..." He leaned back and turned to his daughter. "Is she the rival you were talking about?"

Nagisa blushed furiously and looked down at her fisted hands. "Dad, I never said that she was a rival!"

Sanae saved the day, again. "Akio-san, please stop making up stories like that."

Akio gritted his teeth. "Dammit Sanae, would you please call me Akio without the hon-"

"Pops, please don't swear around Fuuko." I then realized that I had interrupted him. "I'm sorry for interrupting; I meant no disrespect."

Akio looked at me appraisingly, with his eyebrows raised. "Congratulations on your new backbone, kid."

It took me a moment to realize what he was likely congratulating me for: Standing up for Fuuko, I assumed. "Thanks."

"I won't swear around her again." He then jerked a thumb toward the door. "Now get out of here. We have stuff we want to talk to your friend about."

Sanae lightly smacked her husband on the knee. "Akio-san, don't be rude. Okazaki-san has done more for Fuuko-chan than we have." She then turned to me. "He is right, though; we would like some time alone with Fuuko-chan to share some things with her. Would you be willing to allow us that time?"

Sanae always knew the right way to say things. "Sure, ma'am; I'll kill time in the lobby. Just let me know when I can come back."

So I left for the lobby, wondering what they could possibly want to talk to her about. Maybe if Fuuko was willing she'd tell me what they talked about the next time I see, that doesn't sound right. Her private conversations are hers, whether she participates in them or not. If she tells me without me asking, then that's fine.

As I thought about what the Furukawas might be telling my comatose friend, my eyelids started getting heavy...


I woke to someone gently shaking me. At first, I was concerned that the staff had found me and was kicking me out, but instead it turned out to be Nagisa. Not a bad way to wake up, I'll admit. "Mmm?"

"Okazaki-san, wake up."

I cracked my eyes open and saw Nagisa, with her parents behind her. Sanae had her usual smile, and Akio had an unusually cheerful grin. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. What time is it?"

"It's only two-o-clock," Sanae replied. "Have you had a long day already?"

I thought about it as I sat up. "Well, I came in as soon as the hospital allowed visitors, which was about seven, I think, and you came in...wait, when did you come in?"

Akio checked his watch. "Probably about noon." He lowered his arm and looked at me. "How long have you been doing this, brat?"

"Since the beginning of summer break."

All three pairs of eyes widened, which surprised me. I thought they knew about this!

"Amazing..." breathed Nagisa.

Sanae clasped her hands in front of her. "Such devotion..."

Akio yawned. "Not bad."

I was eager to get back to Fuuko. " it okay for me to go back to Fuuko's room?"

Sanae nodded "Yes. We'll be taking our leave, now." She smiled brightly. "Thank you for letting us talk to your friend."

" problem." I wasn't sure how much fun they had, but long as they're happy. "Well, have a good day Furukawa-san, Sanae-san, Pops. See you on Friday."

After the Furukawas left I headed back to room 225 and spent the rest of the day trying to finish the history assignment with Fu-chan.

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