Chapter 27 - Graduation

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I straightened my tie as I regarded myself in the mirror. For some reason I was nervous, even though I knew a long time ago that this day was coming.


A transition from one life to another. Forever leaving the mentality of childhood behind and taking one's place in the adult world.

Sure, one could go to a university but, even then, tuition would have to be paid, books purchased...and lunches could be a lot more expensive than just bread from the cafeteria. The days of being given everything ended and, barring a benefactor, mysterious or otherwise, one would have to earn money to pay for all of these things, likely working part-time.

So, graduation is a time of change.

But even knowing that doesn't make it any easier. What will tomorrow bring? What do I have to offer the world? Will it have any use for my gift? Will my gift be rejected? Am I to become just another cog in some machine, with someone else at its controls? The star soccer player could end up at a desk job, with the ninety-pound weakling as his boss. The star pupil, intellectually gifted, could end up as just another number-cruncher, one out of many, at some low-end company.

Fortunately, our futures are changeable. I myself am proof of that. On my way to being a vagabond, I grabbed at a chance, several actually, to improve myself.

Fu-chan, as well. Instead of feeling sorry for herself after losing two years of her life to a coma due to an accident, she grabbed onto life.

And didn't let go.

She went back to the school that she was supposed to attend. She studied like crazy. She and I did make time to go on dates, of course, but she spent much of her free time studying in preparation for the next course test, or even a challenge test to skip a class.

In the end, instead of taking three years to finish high school, she finished all of her courses in two.

She wasn't able to graduate with me and her other friends, of course. But she had their support the whole way, similar to when I was tutoring her when she was still comatose.

Which is why I was in a suit. It was Fu-chan's graduation.


"Ibuki Fuuko!"

I cheered at the top of my lungs when I heard my girlfriend's name called. Normally, cheering was frowned upon, but everyone knew of Fu-chan's circumstances so the restrictions were lifted in her case. With all that she had been through, this day was particularly special.

I wasn't the only one cheering, of course. Kouko-san and her husband were also on their feet next to me, Kouko also cheering, but with Yuusuke opting to applaud instead.

Kyou was fist-pumping on my other side, which seemed appropriate for her personality. Her sister was on her other side, looking away from Kyou and politely clapping. On Ryou's other side, Nagisa stood on tiptoes, apparently having problems seeing the stage.

Sunohara nearly climbed over them to clap me on the shoulder, and got Kyou's fist in his face for his efforts. I realized that I hadn't visited him much over the last two years, and felt guilty for a moment. But only for a moment.

I was saddened to see that neither Tomoyo, Yukine, nor Kotomi-chan were present. Tomoyo was busy with her political campaign and, last I heard, was giving the incumbent mayor a sound thrashing. In a figurative sense, of course. The situation with the gangs was starting to clear up, thanks in part to Tomoyo's campaign. This took a lot of pressure off of Yukine, so she had left on a trip to 'clear her head', as she put it.

Kotomi-chan's was the hardest for me to accept, due partly to our shared history, and partly due to the way our interactions changed after she found out about Fu-chan. Sometime after our graduation, she left for America without saying a word to anyone; I had only recently found out through her guardian.

I snapped out of my reverie and watched as Fu-chan descended the stairs from the platform where she had received her diploma. She had the glow of success around her, and I found myself getting emotional.

Doggone it; I promised that I wouldn't get emotional. Not like this, at least.

After the rest of the graduates received their diplomas, the principal spoke a little more before dismissing us to the festivities.

Boy, was I nervous.

I looked to Kouko-san, who was already looking my way. She gave me a reassuring nod, as though to give me permission. I returned the nod, somewhat shakily, and looked down at the box in my hand. Fortunately, three months worth of my salary could purchase a pretty good-sized 'rock'. As an accountant at a very large international company, I made pretty good money; my high skills in math and, surprisingly, in English made it easy for me to get hired. Rising through the ranks of the Accounting Department meant that I could afford something great for this moment.

If only my nerves could have been as stable as my paycheck...

I made my way over to where Fu-chan was talking with some of the friends that she had made at school. "Fuuko?"

She turned and smiled when she saw me. "Tomoya-kun!" To her friends, she said, "Just a minute, girls; I'll be right back."

"No, no," I protested. "Just, ah...let me know when you're available, okay?" I rubbed the back of my neck as I smiled back. "I don't want to take you away from your fun here."

Her smile faded, but she nodded understanding. "All right, I'll find you when I'm done."

I nodded at her friends. "Ladies." I then turned and walked back toward Kouko.

"How did it go?" she asked when I got close enough.

"Not yet. She's talking with her friends, and I didn't want to pull her away from that. She won't get this chance again, after all." I frowned. "Maybe I should have waited until dinner or something?"

Kouko shook her head. "No way. She's been waiting for this for a long time. You're at least part of the reason she wanted to graduate as quickly as possible."

I blushed at the reminder. "Ha, right."

"Did you tell her where you would be so she could find you?" Yuusuke asked.

I slapped my forehead. "I was so nervous that I didn't even think of it. Should I go back?"

He shook his head. "Nah, the crowd's thinning, so she should be able to find us."

"In fact, here she comes," Kouko noted.

"Onee-chan!" Fuuko cried out as she rushed to her sister. 'Here she comes', indeed.

"Congratulations!" Kouko cried as they shared an embrace. "Oh Fuuko, I'm so happy for you!"

I guess the weight of everything that had happened over the last few years finally got to them, because they both started crying. Pretty hard, too.

Yuusuke walked over to stand beside me. "She's been holding that in for years."

"Since the accident, I assume?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Well, before that, actually. She really regretted treating Fu-chan so coldly, so this is really..."

"Therapeutic?" I offered.

"Yeah, that's it. Therapeutic," he replied with a smile.

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