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LaurenABlack ocs.

"Aurora." Said Beluga. "I know a way to get Permafrost into the higher circles."

"What is it?" Aurora said boredly. They had learned not to trust Beluga's suggestions long ago.

"Snowfall is angry about her cousin Winter. She has received news of his whereabouts, and all you have to do is kill him, Moon, the dragon he loves, and her son, Stardust."

"No!" Permafrost cried. "No, not them!" Her family turned to her.

"Why not?" Beluga said suspiciously. No lying now... best to get it over with. I can't hide forever.

"Because I love him." Beluga looked mad enough to kill her.

"He is a NIGHWING." She growled. "You are an ICEWING. We are superior to all tribes, and you are dishonouring the family!" Beluga lunges for Permafrost, talons outstretched for her neck.

Permafrost woke with a start. Shivering, she glanced around for something to calm her down. There was nothing. All she saw was blackness, as it was dark and she couldn't breathe fire.

Taking a deep breath, she decided to wander the halls and explore to distract herself. One of her worries was that she'd be forced to kill Stardust.

"He's fine, he's fine." Permafrost muttered to herself as she stumbled through the hollowed our mountain. She was unknowingly going to his cave, to make sure he was fine.

"Permafrost?" Someone whispered. She jumped as Stardust approached her. He came out of his cave and said, "Why are you awake?" Permafrost sighed deeply. "My Aunt wanted me to kill you." He looked worried.

"It was a nightmare." She explained. He nodded sympathetically. "I heard you. You can't sleep?" She shrugged.

"Follow me." Stardust instructed. Permafrost nodded as he pulled her through the tunnels in a direction she had never been before.

"Doesn't the map say that way has smoke and mosquitoes?" Permafrost cried, alarmed.

"We can get under them." Stardust comforted her. She looked unsure.

"Watch and do as I do." Stardust ordered.

"Somehow I think the woman should be more in charge." Complained Permafrost as Stardust dropped to the ground. He slid himself across the ground through the smoke. "Frost!" He called. Permafrost shivered, took a deep breath, and dropped to the ground.

She was surprised to find that the air was clearer down there. She braced herself, and shoved herself as hard as she could through the smoke.

She felt Stardust talons pulling her out of the smoke. Once they were in safe air, she took a shaky breath. "I didn't know you were strong enough to pull me."

"You aren't very heavy." He pointed out.

She smiled. "What about the mosquitoes?" He shook his head. "Don't exist. They made that up so the students wouldn't go here."

"This is the best! Why wouldn't they want students here?" Asked Permafrost incredulously.

"Hey, it's fine by me. We have this cave all to ourselves." He pointed out, grinning. Permafrost laughed and kissed him. They kissed for a while, and then Stardust said, "Do you like to swim?"

Swim? Oh, I love to swim. I used to swim all the time as a dragonet in the Ice Kingdom and try to get fish to kiss each other and ship penguins! "Yeah. I love to swim."

"I've never tried." Stardust admitted. Permafrost's jaw dropped.

"Do what I do." She instructed, leaping into the water. She stifled a gasp.

The water was clearer an warmer than any water she had ever felt before. Stardust was shivering slightly, but she felt warm.

She showed Stardust some simple ways to float and move. After a while, they were both exhausted and done with swimming, so they layed on the rocks. "What do you like to do in your spare time?" Stardust asked. "Ship." Permafrost answered.

"And what about us? What's our ship name?"

"Starfrost." Permafrost said, smiling.

"Oh," she added. "Do you know what else I like to do?"

"What?" Stardust asked. "This." Permafrost said, kissing him deeply.

She released him, and they lay there smiling and talking and knowing that they were, at that moment, the happiest dragons in Pyrrhia.

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