Part 4-Texting all day

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Betty's P.O.V

I checked my phone and saw a message from an unknown number.

Unknown:Hey is this Betty?

Betty:Yes? Who is this?

Unknown: It's Jug

I smiled at my phone when it was Jughead who had texting me

Betty:Hey Jughead what's up?

Jughead:Just checking up. Everything alright with your parents?

Betty:They just yelled at me and began to argue with other


Betty:It wasn't your fault. They always argue it's nothing new

Jughead:We meeting in the Blue & Gold tomorrow correct?


Jughead's P.O.V

Betty and I kept talking for a while now. I was in my bedroom while I heard the door open. I ignored it as usual.

I was still texting with Betty until Jellybean came running into my room.


Before I put my phone down I told Betty I had to go and we said bye too each other.

J-Hey Jellybean what's up?

JB-What were you doing?


JB-You are lying!

J-No I'm not

JB-Please tell me I'm your favorite person in the world

She gave me a pout and puppy eyes which I couldn't resist.

J-Alright fine


J-But my promise me you won't tell

JB-You can trust me Jug!

J-I was texting with Betty

JB-So that was her phone number?


JB-Will I be ale to see her again?

J-Not sure. It's kinda hard you know

JB-Can you maybe ask if she can come with us to the library?

J-I'll ask


G-Kids come! Dinner is ready!

J-Lets go Jellybean

Betty's P.O.V

It was the next day now and I was now on my way to school. I usual decide to walk since it's nice outside.


I finally arrived at school and I went to my locker. A few seconds later the serpents walked in and in the middle was Jughead.

We made eye contact and he gave me a smile which a returned. I closed my locker and I headed to my first class

Jughead's P.O.V

SP-Was it just me or did Betty Cooper smile at you?

J-Your crazy sweet pea it must of been someone behind me

SP-Just because your parents hate her parents, it doesn't mean that you two can't get along?

J-Even if I did I wouldn't tell you guys

T-And why not? Aren't we family?

J-We are family but you guys would tell my parents and they would go insane

SP-Man, if it's something that you don't want your parents to know, we will hide it. Right serpents?

All of them-Right!

J-Will see I gotta go


It was time to go to the Blue & Gold to meet Betty. I was also going to ask her if she would like to come with Jellybean and I to the library

I arrived and knocked on the door. Betty and someone else turned to face this way

J-I'm I interrupting something? I can come later

B-No it's fine you can come in

I walked in and the boy that was with her just kept staring at me. Looks like a boy Joaquin would like to date

B-Jug this is Kevin, Kevin this is Jug

K-Nice to meet you Jughead

J-You too

I could tell he was some what nervous or scared. Probably because I'm a serpent

J-If your thinking I'm going to hurt you, I'm not okay

K-Just gotta take caution. Gotta go meet up with the other see yah

B-Bye Kev

K-Bye Betty, bye Jughead


B-So how's everything?

J-It's going well how about you?

B-It's going okay

Everything went silent for a moment

J-So Jellybean asked me to ask you if you wanted to come with her and I to the library later on today? We can work on our project there?

B-Sure that sounds great

She gave me a smile which I return. We then began to write the article...

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