4 hours

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Four hours might not seem like a long time to text someone back... Right? 

Well say that person loves you...  And maybe add a little anxiety.  That person is constantly checking to see if you have texted back.  They watch as the minutes add up and turn into and hour. 

An hour is not bad you might say but to that person with axianty its a fucking nightmare.  And not so suddenly it's two. 

They stay by their phone with horrible thoughts in their head.  "Am I still loved"...  "Am I still wanted" For some people it's worse because they have all those thoughts...  And more. 

After three hours depression sets in.  "I knew I was too ugly"... " No one would ever want me". It hurts to think the person you love no longer wants you. 

Four hours...  Four nightmare hours of panicking and stressing and that person...  That poor soul who loves you with their whole heart is a ticking time bomb...  A panic attack waiting to happen. 

Finally their phone dings...  You've come up with a shitty ass excuse as to what took you so long.  But that person ignores the warning you have given them and continues to let you hurt them...

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