One of the Guys - Chapter Two

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Dedicated to Tia for the cover on the side! <3

"How could you leave your little sister alone in a huge place like the mall!?" Mom questioned the guys who all looked bored and guilty.

"She could've died, she could've been kidnapped, raped, or passed out!" She continued on. I sat back on the couch with a small smirk on my face, it's nice to see the boys get in trouble once in a while. 

They wanted me to cover for them but I wasn't going to have it this time. I've always covered for my brothers when they did something they weren't supposed to do. Although I can handle myself, I agreed with mom, how could they leave me alone in the mall?

That was just down right cruel.

These assholes are getting what they deserve.


"You are not wearing that tonight." My mother looked over my outfit in complete disgust. 

"Why?" I asked.

"Why?," She asked in a stunned voice. "Why? You look like a boy Avery, that's why!" She scolded. 

I was wearing a purple dress and purple converse. I had a bit of eyeliner and mascara on and my hair was tucked inside of a purple beanie. I had no idea what was wrong with my outfit. I was also wearing some purple studded bracelets. I thought I looked pretty good. 

"Take off the hat and the bracelets. Take off those shoes as well." She instructed. 

"Mom, I don't have any other shoes besides converse, you know that. You also know I hate high heels."  I reminded her. I hate when mom tries to dress me in a way she wants. She doesn't see me telling her to take off that horrendous dark green dress that made her look even skinnier than what she already was. 

Mom looked like she was in deep thought. Finally she sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Keep the shoes but the hat and the bracelets come off."

I really liked the hat and the bracelets but I didn't feel like getting a lecture from mom after this mystery family leaves so I did what she said and took them off. Mom finally smiled a little at my look, I could tell she was still mad that I was wearing converse with a dress so elegant as this but you couldn't pay me to wear high heels.

Mom grabbed me by the arm and almost dragged me down the stairs. As soon as we got to the last step, the doorbell rang. I broke free of my mom's grasp as she went over to open the door.

"Hi, welcome!" Mom said to the family who I still couldn't see. She only opened the door just enough to poke her head out. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Liam there with his older brother and younger sister.

This wasn't going to be as peaceful as I thought.

Jackson must have saw my shocked expression because I saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye. He was definitely planning something and I had a bad feeling it wasn't going to be good.

"Liam, you remember my sister Avery don't you?"

Liam looked at me and smiled a devious smile. I felt like running up to my room, locking myself in there and never coming out. "Why of course I remember Avery. It was only a couple of hours since I last saw her and had to help her find you guys." He responded.

I ignored him just as my mother announced that dinner was ready. We all walked into the dining hall and began to sit down, as soon as we did we - meaning my brothers and I began to throw food on our plate like there was no tomorrow. Mom gave us all death glares so we stopped.

"Let's say Grace first." Mom suggested, I raised an eyebrow at her and she shot me a look meaning 'Don't question, just do.'

After saying Grace, we still piled food on our plate and began to dig in. I noticed that I was eating like a guy but I didn't care who was around to see, I'm always me.

I hadn't realized I was eating so fast until a certain person whispered in my ear. "You're going to throw all that up if you don't slow down." It was Liam. As much as I hate to admit, he was right, but that didn't mean I was going to slow down eating. I always super binge eat and I've never thrown up before.

Liam just laughed as he shook his head while watching me pig out like a dude.

"I have to go to the bathroom, excuse me." Liam said to us as he got up and left for the bathroom. He didn't even ask where it was, I guess he was going to find it on his own. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to eat.

He came down a long time later and sat back down in his seat next to me. "What were you doing up there for so long? Taking a dump?" I asked under my breath so my mom wouldn't hear me and possibly kick me under the table.

"You'll see." He answered back.

I had a bad feeling about that.


I had just left Luke's room with my laptop in one hand and my iPod in the other. I can't belive he had the nerve to touch my iPod. Touching my iPod is like messing with a mother's child. They go all ape shit on you if the 'child' comes back broken or harmed. 

I entered my room and turned on the ceiling light, I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some clothes to throw on after I finish my shower.

15 minutes later, I was out of the shower and smelling like fresh strawberries. I was just about to dive into bed when something on it caught the corner of my eye.

There, on my bed was a white blouse, a black and white plaid mini skirt and my black converse. On the skirt was a little ripped piece of paper. I raised an eyebrow as I walked over to the bed and picked up the little yellow paper.

"You would look hot, if you wore this tomorrow. ;)


 I scowled.

Liam Harris went in my room and I didn't like it one bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2012 ⏰

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