The beginning

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Chapter one,

Your p.o.v.

Today is the day, I am finally going to graduate and be a full time bodyguard. After months of training and hard work, I finally succeed. I can't wait to see my baby boy Mateo, who's five months old.

You may be asking how I manage to go to school and raise my son. Well, his father, Alexander takes care of him in the mornings, after 2 or 3, my mom takes him. And I get off around four.

After I gave birth, I took a month or two off, and spent time with Mateo and Alex. Everything seemed perfect. My son was healthy and I had the best boyfriend. Everything was too perfect until I caught Alex cheating with this backstabbing bitch.

So Alex was cheating for awhile now. No wonder why he was always coming home late. I just can't believe he threw everything away. We could've had a family. We had huge plans. But he got tried of me and went to look for another girl to suck his dick.

Anyways, we broke up and made a deal. Since I was still studying and working for my career, he would help me with Mateo. He would take care of him on the weekdays from seven to two. After two, my mom would pick Mateo and babysit him until I got off from school. Sometimes I would leave around 4 or 6.

Not going to lie, it was hard being there for my son. But with the help of my mother, everything turned out fine.
Anyways, today I graduate and I'm so excited!

*   *   *

"This next student have worked so hard these past few months, she has trained so hard, I am so proud of you!! Please give it up to (y/n) (y/l/n)!!"
"Thank you coach brown!! This means a lot" I said while wiping my tears away.

I could see my mother and son in the back, I waved and went to go see them. Mateo looked so darn cute today. He had this bodyguard uniform, which was so adorable.

"Mom, is Alex here?"
"He said he would be here, but just in case he couldn't make it he told me tell you that he's proud of you!" My mother said with a weak smile.. I nodded and kissed my baby's forehead.
I really wanted Alex to be here. Without him, I wouldn't be here.. Alexander is a huge part of my life. I just really wanted him to be here...

It's hella short but I'm barely starting this story. Please vote and follow if you liked it.
Insta: loveotic

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