Supresents (18+)

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The chill of your room nipped at your skin, your hut could at best be at about 60°. This wasn't helpful during heats but that's beyond the point. Recently your suppressants hadent been working you figured that the healer was having a issue with the herbs recently. You would wait out your heat in Misery but once it was over you wouldnt have to fear its arrival again for at least a few months. You were a omega, a uncommon one at that. Female omegas were scarce and when they were born held with great respect. Many of the tribes would argue over how female omegas would be treated, luckily you were born into the pack of walls. The pack wasn't known as the strongest but they could fight to protect their omegas. Omegas of the pack often stayed together during another omegas heat. Alphas wouldnt be allowed near the huts of omegas during their heats which is probably why you were only used to toys during heats. You reached under your bed from your nest,pulling out a wooden box you quickly pulled out your toys and got to work.

As you reached the edge of ecstacy your mind blanked. You hadent heard anything while trying to lessen your heat; but there in the door way stood a group of alpha males and not familiar ones at that. There scent was unpleasant to you and you growled and covered your body. The males drew closer before a loud growl broke their trance. It hit and hit hard the males scent covered the room telling the males to back down. Within a second the males were out of your hut, the Male looked down at you growling lightly, you were hit with another wave of your heat curling into yourself. The Male winced at the now overwhelming smell and walked out of the hut ordering what must have been his healer into the hut. I have to admit she was crazy but, she was a female omega like I was and she helped me suppress the overwhelming urgency to let any male have his way with me. After I had calmed down she introduced herself as Hangi of the Freedom pack.

_______________________________________ How was it?
Anyways I hope you enjoyed the story so far my updates may be far between but I promise I will update the story.

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