Them kids!

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Your POV

I watched the kids outside. They were full of fright, wonder why? I watched as another kid tapped the other kid while he was running. Our eyes met for a few seconds before he ran to another kid. The other kid ran from this purple kid who was the one who got tapped. That was until some blue cat came and took him out of the weird murdery thing. I watched as one of the kids pointed to MY house. Then they disappeared. I closed the (F/C) colour curtains. I sat down on my (F/C) bed. I heard a knock from outside. 'Wonder who that is? Better not be those hoodlums!' I sprinted to the door, and answered. "Hello!" Said the kid. "Hi. What do you want?" I answered gruffly and stern. "Well.. I just came to ask, wanna play with us? And by the way, I'm Alfred!" Alfred said. "I'm (Y/N). Bye, I am gonna stay out of trouble unlike you." With that, I slammed the door on his face. I heard muffled crying due to the door was shut. I kinda felt bad to be honest, so I chucked the door open again. Alfred was still there, he was just pretending to get my attention back. "Hi, again wanna be friends at lea-" I slammed the door shut again. I walked off not giving shits about the kid. I seen the black car park in front, my parents are home! "Mom!" I called out, "Don't 'MOM' me. You're in big trouble!" Ouch! Coincidence! I said I wasn't getting in trouble, meanwhile here I am! Probably forced to go apologize to Alfred. "Yes you're going to go apologize. NOW." I nodded and went to put on some clothes. I put on a black hoodie, with dark grey pants because why not? "K mom I'll go apologize now!" "Ok." I walked out of the house and into the neighbourhood. I didn't even go to his place, I just went to take a walk and ignored neighbours waving at me. I turn around and walked on the sidewalk again. After I got home, I went up to my room wordless. I shut my door and started writing literature. I wrote it, it was a project of mine, I am finished now. It is a summary of my life, but with rhymes and cool sentences. "(Y/N)! COME DOWN HERE PLEASE!" Mom called out. I rushed downstairs, I was no ignorant kid! This could be serious! "Mom! What is it?!" I said startled. "The 'Burns' are coming to dinner tonight." "The kid, Jeremy suggested it. Love that kid." Dad added. I groaned. "Why THEM!? Why not auntie or-" "Enough! It's said, ands it's going to be done!" Dad said, dominating me as always. No, it's just a dad's job. I kicked his shin. "FINE!" I yelled and mumbled some swears before walking up the dark wood planked staircase. I guess I should get dressed. Our dinner time is around 6:00PM. Which it's about 5:40PM. The burns' household is probably getting groomed and stuff.

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