And then I killed her

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Name: Arachne Chimera

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'9

Weight: 136 lb

Ultimate: Ballroom Dancer (Is actually the Ultimate Hitwoman)

Personality: In her disguise: she acts unconfident and timid, but her actually self is serious and cautious. In both "selves" you can see she's quite the deceiver and smiles at people's misfortunes (she manically laughs at this as her true self however).


As a "Regular" High-schooler

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As a "Regular" High-schooler

As a "Regular" High-schooler

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As a Cold-blooded Killer

Execution: Dance for your Crimes - Arachne is placed in a ballroom, dressed in the ballgown she usually wore during the Killing Game. Not seeing any sign of threat, she plays along with Monokuma and preforms the first partner dance as guests start to arrive. The "guests" in the dinner are Monokumas dressed in fancy gowns and tuxedos, when the first dance ends Arachne kisses her partner (*insert male student she's closest to*) before they get sent back with the other students to watch the execution. As each dance goes on and more guests arrive, Arachne slowly realizes what those Monokuma "guests" were plotting for the final dance. In which dance requires her to dance with the victim's dead body, which is being puppets by a few Monokumas. Just as the dance was about to end, the Monokumas control the victim's body and has them stab Arachne through the heart. The last thing she sees before she dies is a different group of Monokuma tying strings around her, the dance is resumed and the ballroom has a single spotlight lighting the room now. Upon a closer look it's now both the victim and Arachne dancing as puppets, which still goes on as the screen fades out.
((The corpse never stop being puppeted to dance, you can enter an execution lobby labeled the execution title: Dance for your Crimes and you see the kinds of two-person dances the Monokumas are making them do. Trust me, they go from ballroom waltzes to just flailing the bodies around real fast))

Meme: Then I killed her

Sexuality: Asexual (She's Demiromantic though)

Password: Dankus Memezus

Execution Trivia: The final dance was originally supposed to be Arachne dancing with puppeted corpses of all the people she's been hire to kill, and then ending with the case victims' corpse shooting her. (The two student puppets would still be forever dancing at the end though)
Right Before Publish Comment: That... that actually sounds like a better ending so we might just use the trivia for the Final Dance instead

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