Modern Version

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Juliet was walking down a street in Bangkok in Thailand, were she came across a  prostitute/stripper bar. Out of her own curiosity, she entered the bar and saw the person she least suspected to be there.

Romeo was there, staring at her from across the bar as if she was one of the strippers dancing before his very eyes. He looked at her as if she was stripping before his very eyes. His mouth was watering from the anticipation of meeting her here in this dammed place, he was dragged along by his friends to this place to see the brothels on offer in Thailand. But he had been in a sour mood as none of these girls reminded him of the girl who truly desired with passion-his Juliet.

He slowly made his way over to her, forever looking deep into her eyes which held her soul and emotion in them. She stood still like a statue whilst he made his way over like an animal hunting his mate. They were equals in all ways, soul mates as if their very souls called out to each other like the stars had fated them together.

Maybe the stars have fated them together, so will they last through the trauma together or will they slowly drift apart in each others arms/company?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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