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The Roof Gang🤠🥵

Is anyone going to the roof tonight?

Bubbiee🥰: yeah me
Jisungieee: me too
Chaee: at 10?
Lalalalisa: 10 is good! Me and Momo are going too

Okay see y'all there

It's 9:00 so i still have an hour. I lock my phone and open the doors to my balcony. Nayeon has her doors open too so i climb over the small wall separating our balcony's and step inside. Nayeon was laying on her bed "Jeongyeon" she screamed as she jumped up and almost tackled me. "Have you missed me so much that you almost threw me on the ground? You know it only has been 3 hours" i laughed as i wrapped my arms around her waist. I still hate the fact that she's taller. I stepped back as i looked at my breathtaking girlfriend. Her beauty never fails to amaze me. "What are you looking at" the tall girl asked as she shyly put her hands in front of her gorgeous face. "I'm just admiring how beautiful you are." She blushed. Damn she is so adorable. "I love you" i said as I pecked her on the lips.


Should i go there? Or is that weird? No it's not right? We're friends i can see her. But are we that close? I have been contemplating for over an hour if i should go see Momo. I have a huge crush on her and only thinking about her makes the butterflies in my stomach go wild. I decide to call her. "Where is my phone god damnit" i say as i run around my room like a moron searching for my phone who, after searching for five minutes, i found in my backpocket. I scrolled through my contact list and clicked on her name. The phone rang about three times before she picked up. "Hii Binnie" god her voice is so beautiful "e-ehm hii" i said while the nerves were wrecking my body. "Can i come over?" "Yeah of course! You don't have to ask you know. We have been friends for as long as i can remember" she giggled and i died. "Okay i'll be there in five! See ya" she said goodbye and i quickly hung up. I smelled my t-shirt. Damn how long have i been wearing this? I ran to my closet and picked ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. Then i ran to the bathroom. I locked the door and turned on the shower. I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and jumped under the water beam forgetting it still needed to warm up. I squeeled but i didn't have time for cold. I put the toothbrush in my mouth, quickly threw some shampoo on my head and while brushing my teeth i flushed the soap out of my tangled hair, quickly spitting out the toothpaste so i wouldn't get any shampoo in my mouth. I ran out of the bathroom where i saw my mom standing at the top of the stairs "I've never seen you get ready this quick" my mom laughed. "Well now you did, but no time to talk i have to go" i said as i ran up the stairs. I pulled on the clothes, checked the mirror to see if i looked good and then climbed the ladder to the roof. Momo was already waiting for me on her balcony. She greeted me as i climbed down to her. Damn, she looked gorgeous "well thank you." She blushed a little. "Wait i said that out loud? My god i'm stupid" I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck. "So u want to watch a movie or something?" She asked. "Sure. Your pick" i said as i fell down on her bed. "To all the boys i loved before" she chuckled as she grabbed the remote. "Ehh haven't u seen that like at least five times?" "Maybeee" she grinned. She pressed play and sat next to me against the headboard. I put my arm around her slim shoulders and she rested her head on my chest. Is this the closest we'll ever get?


Another bottle thrown against the wall. It shattered. More to clean up. I heard Mina come down the stairs. I ran to her. "Min i'll be up in a minute. Please go back to bed and lock your door. Only open it when i'm there okay?" She was so scared she didn't even answer and just ran up to her room. "FELIX WHERE ARE YOU?" my father yelled. I tried to be as silent as possible. "GET UR ASS IN THE LIVING ROOM BEF-" he was puking. Nice, more to clean up god damnit. I really have to send him to rehab. I can't even recognize him anymore. I grab the pieces of fabric i use at kickboxing and go into the living room. As soon as i open the door another bottle get's thrown and i hide my head under my arms. They start bleeding. Fuck not again. I run over to him and punch him in his stomach. When he bows over in pain i push him into the closet and start crying when i lock it. I really don't want to do this to him but it isn't safe for us if we just let him run around the house in anger. I ran upstairs to Mina's room. She's only eleven. I knock on the door. "Who is it?" "It's me sis you can open up." I heard the lock turning and as soon as the door opened she fell in my arms and started crying. "When will this stop Felix. I can't handle this anymore." I sighed and told her it will get better. "I'm gonna call Nayeon and ask if you can stay at Dahyun's tonight k?" She just nodded. "Hii Nayeon, can Mina sleep at your place?" "Yeah sure. Just come via Chan and Jeongyeon's balconies. I'm sure Chan doesn't mind and Jeongyeon says it's okay." "Thanks a lot. See you in ten" i said and then i hung up the phone. "Mina where's your backpack?" She pointed to a corner of her room and i started packing her stuff. A few minutes later i was done. "Let's go." We didn't say much to each other. I just helped her over the walls of the balconies. After that i went back home, put on a sweater and went to the roof.


It was 9:50 when i climbed to the roof. I just got a short haircut and was nervous for the others to see it. After sitting down for a few minutes i saw Felix. He was smiling and being his positive self as always. "Omg your hair we fuckinG STAANNNN" he screamed as soon as he saw me. I laughed at him "Felix why are you always so gay?" He stuck his arms out for a hug. Before i could hug him back i noticed the blood stains on his sweater. "Jesus Felix what happened?" I hugged him and sat down with him. I pulled up his sleeve and saw a lot of cuts and some pieces of glass. "My dad happened. Again." "Shouldn't we go to the hospital? Who knows about it? Does it hurt?" I was rambling on and on. "No, you and Mina, kinda" he answered my questions. "We should at least get the glass out and put a bandage around them." "Ehh sure i guess." We climbed down to my place and i grabbed some tweezers, disinfectant and bandages. "Grab your phone and shine the flashlight on your arms" i ordered and he did it. I saw only a few pieces and we were lucky that the glass was green. I started at his right arm. He was in immense pain even though he didn't show it. I have been friends with him for long enough to know that he doesn't want others to see him unhappy. "Disinfecting might hurt so you can hug my stuffed animal" i handed him my parrot and he grabbed it so tight i thought he was going to break it. I didn't even start yet. I put one drop on one of the many cuts and he screamed it out. I wanted to cry so bad right now but i had to be strong because he needed me to be right now. Fifteen minutes later we finally finished and we were both crying. "God i'm so sorry but otherwise it would've only gotten worse." I hugged him and he told me it was allright. Should i tell him now or isn't this the right time? I'll just wait. "Can i sleep here? I'm scared to go back home." "Of course Felix. Do you mind sleeping together with me?" "No not at all. Thank you so much. I love you." "Love you too" i said. As soon as his head hit the pillow he was gone. I climbed back to the roof and spend the rest of the night with the group.

Bro this is 1500 words. I don't even know how i managed but i did. Do y'all like this? I'm not sure. The idea was good in my head but idk if i wrote it the right way but i put too much effort in to stop now so LET'S GO

Love ya bitches

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