Chapter 4

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Won't deny, I just want you by my side
Who would've thought that I'd be
Be so incomplete with just me

"Is there a secure place we can talk?" Aero whispered so only the man walking next to her could hear.

Batman shook his head. "Give me an hour. Meet me in the infirmary." He stepped a little closer to her. Making sure no one was around he lightly pinched her elbow in an encouraging manner, then turned away and walked back towards the infirmary.

Just as she was about to go find Flash, Aero heard her name being called over the loud speaker. "Aero please report to the transporter for assignment." Duty called, and after being off duty for a few weeks she would take anything she could get.


"How did it go?" Batman motioned for Aero to follow him into the surgical area of the infirmary then closed the door.

"Captain Boomerang has to be one of the easiest villains to take down. No wonder Flash gets bored fighting him. Took us about ten minutes before he gave up. The Question wanted to interrogate him then take him back to Iron Heights." Aero shrugged. "In comparison to what I am about to do everything seems easy I guess." Aero thought about her own insecurities, all her past battles and her relationships, and how it all seemed simpler then the mission she was about to embark on.

She could see Batman raising his eyebrow questioningly under his mask. "So you have made your decision?"

Aero moved closer to him and stood up a little straighter, trying to appear confident. "Yes. I want to do everything I can to prevent anyone else from going missing or getting hurt. And I want to prove your confidence in me is not misguided."

"I know for a fact that it is not. But Aero," Batman put his hands on her shoulders and looked down at her. "I want you to be really sure about this."

"I am."

A tinge of sadness hit Batman, but he pushed it aside and replaced it with his sense of duty.

"Alright. When we are ready to send you, I will let you know. We still have a few things to figure out. Make sure you do not tell anyone about this."

"Noted. Include Ollie in that, I haven't told him yet. I haven't found the right time," she paused. "Or the right words." She stared blankly for a few seconds then focused on Batman again. "I will let you know when I tell him." At that Aero hugged Batman and walked out of the surgical room, feeling like a thousand pounds had just been placed on her shoulders.


On the upper deck of the Watchtower, leaning on a bar and staring out at the stars, Flash chuckled to himself. He always did that when he was nervous or thinking about something important. This time it was both.

He and Aero had been best friends for a few years and he wasn't sure if he wanted to ruin that. She understood him, laughed at his many jokes and antics and most importantly he felt more comfortable with her then with anyone else. And she made him want to better himself. Those same reasons are the ones that made him fall in love with her. He wasn't sure when this had happened, but he was sure he was in love. He didn't even know what she really looked like under the mask, but he didn't care. He knew that she was a beautiful person.

"But do you breach the friendship by revealing your real feelings not knowing if she feels the same, or do you concede and decide you are happy being by her side forever as a friend?" Flash thought. And he knew the first step in telling her how he really felt was revealing who he really was, showing her his life outside the Watchtower, showing her what he really looked like.

He wasn't too nervous about her liking his looks, after all he thought he was rather dashing, for a red head. As he was checking himself out in the glass, Aero approached and stood next to him.

She let out a big sigh, and closed her eyes. "Let's stand here for as long as possible, just enjoying each other's company."

"I was actually thinking of something different. Come to Central City tomorrow. No costumes."

Aero's breath caught in her throat and her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. She could feel the warmth rising in her cheeks. "Really? " She was nervous, but excited. Seeing Flash outside of the Justice League? Outside of his costume? She had no doubt in her mind she would like how he looked. Since the first time they met in the cafeteria, she has had a picture of him in her head, a picture of what he looked like underneath the mask. But would he feel the same way about seeing her without her mask on? "Ok. What time?"

Flash could sense the nervousness in her voice. He smiled softly and turned to face her. "9 am Café Jitters. That way we can spend the day together." He looked down at her face, her cheeks were a little pink and he could see a little tension in her white eyes, but she was smiling brightly.

He reached his arms around her and squeezed her tightly. As he pulled away regretfully, he kept hold of her right hand. "See you tomorrow." He slowly let go of her hand as he walked away.

When Flash was out of sight, Aero finally let out a breath. While he was holding onto her she couldn't manage to get one single breath out. It felt amazing to be that close to him. And being with him all day tomorrow was more than she could have ever hoped for. She knew this might be the last time she would have this kind of time with him, so she was planning to enjoy tomorrow to the fullest extent possible.

Aero *Completed Story*Where stories live. Discover now