Chapter four

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There is a strange man who was at my house when I came home today. As soon as I arrived he left. He looked sort of familiar. But the kind woman said that he had never been here before. She called him the tall man. So that made me think back to my past, before I came here. I don’t remember much, just a lot of blurred colors and faces

    I think he may be my father. He has hair just like mine. And the way he looked at me, it was like he knew me, but at the same time, he didn’t. Thats the same way I feel about him. So it must be almost time to leave. For me to go back to wherever I lived before here.

    I don’t think that anyone will miss me, no one particularily liked me besides the children, the boy with one eye, and the girl who draws. I will miss it here. All of the children who come to listen to my stories. The way everyone here separates themselves from the rest of the world. But I will leave. I will go with my father, because I know I don’t belong here, and I never have.

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