The Boy Who Deystroyed My Life

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I didn't let you in so you came with a bulldozer and let yourself in

Clary's Pov:

"Why are you here"
"I'm here to collect what's mine and also she loves me"
"Firstly she doesn't belong to you and secondly she would never love you again after what you did to her,we had to move because of you."

I woke up to the sound of arguing,I listened closely and i was between my mum and the boy who destroyed my life.My body instantly shut down,I started shaking, palms sweaty, head throbbing.

Tears escaped my closed eyes and when I tried to stop I just cried harder.Thought raced around my brain 'How did he find us''I have deleted my social media,moved country ,cut ties with my old friends and lastly I have changed my name so he couldn't track me'

My old name was Clarissa Morgenstern but I changed it to Clary Fray when I moved to Manchester from New York I have a new life I have new friends , a new school and nobody knows about my past.

About a year into my hiding I was out shopping and I ran into Simon who was my best friend in my past life,he demanded an explanation about why I left so I told him everything, he said he would kill him but I stopped him because it would just bring attention to me and my mum so he moved over here to make sure I was ok.He is the only one from my past life I keep in contact with.

Eventually my body stopped shaking and I was just left shaken, i knew what I needed to do i had a hidden duffle bag in my wardrobe along with my mum's just in case we needed to leave quickly if he found us.

I ran to my wardrobe pulled out me and my mum's duffle bag grabbed our lap tops ,phones and other things they can use to track us.I called Simon to tell him we are staying at his then jumped out of my window into a bush.I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and when I arrived at Simon's I knoked impatiently and when he opened the door he looks at me "He found us"were the only words I could form before he pulled me into a strangling hug,and quickly pulled me inside.

Little did  know that he was watching me enter his house.

The Boy Who destroyed my life is

Jace Herondale

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Untill next time
Sarah xxx

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