"Friendly" beginnings

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Once upon a time, there was a bar and in that bar there was an old captain. "Hand me a pint of your finest rootbeer" normand said. "Here you go! It's on the house!" said the bartender. captain normand drank his beer in one gulp. "Keep em coming"he said. As the bartender prepared another pint of beer, a hooded man came barging in to the bar which was now full of people.

The hooded man just stood there as if he was waiting for someone. After awhile someone spoke up "whos that hooded weirdo!" said a voice from the crowd. The hooded man then waved his hand around and made all the chairs move out of the way. In the middle of the room was the man who spoke up. "You!" said the hooded man. "The hooded man the made a slight move of hand and the man was thrown from one end of the room to another. "Which one of you is captain normand" said the hooded man. After a long moment of silence captain normand spoke up. " who is asking?".

The hooded man looked captain normand straight in the eyes and removed his hood. "Oh my god!" captain normand said "george! I thought you died back in 1524" normand said with amazement. "Actually i did not die i got lost" george replied. "Where in the world could you get lost that would take you 2 years to get out of" normand said. "The bermuda triangle, actually!" george said. "Anyways.... I've got something for you" said george.

George dug around in his bag for a while and eventually pulled out a scroll. "Here! I found it in the bermuda triangle" george said while tossing him the scroll. Captain normand was reading the scroll then dropped it. George picked up the note and read it

dear captain normand,

Since our last discussion i've been thinking about the secret

treasure of cunningham palace i've realised, that our peace treaty has to come to an end. Ive alreday burned all copies of the contract and ive spread the ashed across many different fields. i've recently found out that he treasure is more than enough to live on so i've decided to take it on for myself. I'm sorry for the loss of hope. But.... i did have a good laugh on how

You thought that i was going to be your friend.

sincerely, james

"This is terrible" said george "we've got to get to the treasure before james does!" yelled george. "We've got to go get my treasure map which i've hidden behind a painting in the chester museum" normand said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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