Between Red and Purple

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As I awkwardly stood amidst the dancing party members, I looked for a spot to hide away in, or a 'gap' in the wall that had great need of filling. "Just get loose and dance away, nobody cares, everyone's drunk!", I thought to myself. I wondered about that thought for a while, and that calmed me down, all the while sipping on my drink. When I finally had built up the courage to step into the circle, I immediately grew red on my cheeks. My hair would draw all the attention, I just knew. "shut up" my brain thought to itself. "Just dance for a while, you'll feel better" I agreed, finally, and went with it. As my heart grew lighter and my feet tapped in harmony with the rhythm, I began to wonder if I could take it a step further. I tried my best at counting the people in the room. There were 3 I knew, maybe a total of 18? I didn't care. I stepped into the circle and took the dance from an older guy with a rather pretty girl. It was her party after all. As we danced, I realized how dumb my mistake was, clumsy moves, shit timing. Okay then.

The music downstairs was only a faint harmony of melodies in the bedroom. Looking around the circle I decided to go lie down with a someone I met downstairs about an hour or three ago. As he laid out his bedroll, I unpacked my sleeping bag, and searched around for my pajamas in my luggage. When I felt an hand squeezing my side, I quickly turned round, to find it was my company from earlier. "Firm grip." I thought to myself "That's a weird thing to think, don't you think?", came immediately after it. "Why'd you do that Simon?" "Felt like it. Why?" "please don't do that again anytime soon". I rolled over, my upper body still undressed. "I'm going to get yet another drink downstairs" "It is 4AM dude, I really think you shouldn't" I thought about that, and then replied: "Do you wish for me to bring a couple, for the two of us?" "fuck it" was all I got for an response. I searched my way through the bunks and the luggage, careful not to step on any of them, right the way to the stairwell. The music that seemed in the distance grew louder and louder all the way down the stairs. Hannah caught me sneaking down the stairs: "What are you doing here?" I reacted, ignorant: "Just popping by for a few drinks? I see you've been busy down here?" I smiled as she stalked away from the boy which I had presumed to be gay. I understood his choice, he was kind of hot after all. Though I was not, so I just left him be and enjoyed myself. I took the two beers from the crate, popped them open and joined the people upstairs again.

When I reached the top of the stairs, I was in for a surprise. I saw Simon taking up his and mine bed, acting as if he were snoring away. "fuck off" I jokingly whispered in his ear, but all the reply I got was an held back smile. While struggling to move his body away, a gentle voice came from behind my ears: "You may join me if you'd like? I've got it cold anyway so...". I turned around to meet two twinkly eyes, glancing back at me. I observed the girl while quickly thinking of an answer. She was the kind of person you would, well, meet at a party and then probably forget about. Regardless, she was stupidly pretty, and so I responded: "I'd love to join you this night". I lent over to Simon and whispered into his ear. "I owe you one", such that nobody could hear me. "both the beers will do, thanks" Was all that came back.

As I crept into the party-stranger's sleeping roll, I was still processing the situation: the cutest girl at this party had just invited me over to sleep in her bunk. I had thrown some glares at the girl throughout the night. At some point went outside only to meet her and some people talking about something I shared my interest in. I had twined myself into the conversation and got to know her name, all the while talking and feeding ourselves drunk with more and more beer. She had gotten her hair done in a rather interesting way, not something you see every day. The fact that she was blonde contributed to how pretty she was. Combined with the blue eyes, fuck she was perfect for a seventeen year old girl. As the sleeping bag was not made for the two of us, it was quite difficult to turn over, lie comfy, but only the touch of her could make any surface sleepable, I thought. I laid just off of the matress, half on the hard wood floor. Who gave a care in the world? I certainly didn't. The fact that she was a girl and me a boy possibly made everything thrice as awkward. Though considering the circumstances I didn'tcare a bit. "Hello lovely" I whispered, hard enough for anyone to hear, but gentle enough for them to understand to shut it. "Hello Pinky" I though about that for a second, and then came to the conclusion that it was because of my hair. I had dyed it pink in the morning. The dresscode was pink and black after all. "We should be asleep, but I don't think this moment should go unused." "True, what are you going to do?" I thought then. The circumstances were perfect after all. And then, right in the middle of my heated thinking, she cut me off: "I don't think I want you to coward out, I've got a preposition for you." "Go on," she kissed me then, her lips softly touching mine. The moment seemed to take up infinitely long, but I was fine with that. When she slowly moved away, we stared at each other gleefully. She quickly broke eye contact though, and as I saw her eyes moving up I concluded there were still people behind me,appearently peering at us. I took her attention back then, and her deep blue eyes turned back to me. "Do you care about them?" "I couldn't give a single fuck in the world. You?" "as long as you don't, I don't either." I kissed her again then, for way too long. I was most certain at least one of the girls had turned around to look. Jesus, Simon was also somewhere within like 3 meters,and I hoped deeply all of them just left us alone. I never reckoned somone could kiss this good, after my ex, but here I was, with a girl playing with my hair,kissing me all the while, making me want it to last forever

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