FANFIC "If Jarod were a recruitable unit"

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(Finishing Part 1-Endgame: "Daein, Arise!", before Prince Pelleas' crowning) 
 After an overwhelming victory against General Jarod, Micaiah, in a last-minute change of mind, ordered her troops to instead finish Jarod's life, capture him and turn him into a war prisoner 
SOTHE: Are you sure about this, Micaiah?
MICAIAH: Don't worry, Sothe. It will probably be something rewarding.




MICAIAH: ...General Jarod?

JAROD: Well well, so the Maiden of Dawn herself is the one who's going to torture me in order for me to spill the beans? Or better yet, would you prefer a public execution with dear ol'me in front of the principal plaza on Daein?

MICAIAH: What are you talking about? I would never do such horrible things...

SOTHE: Micaiah's has been very considerate with you, she already had mercy on you twice, but if you have a death wish, I can take care of it.

JAROD: Consideration, you say? It was more of a stupid decision made by an incompetent general.

SOTHE: Don't you dare insult Micaiah on my presence or you will regret it!

MICAIAH: Sothe, please, don't fall for his taunts. General Jarod, I don't have any intention on torturing nor execute you. I am here to talk.

JAROD: I don't have anything to say to you. I lost my battle, lost my men out there and I don't have anything worth to say. And if you think that you can use me as a hostage for a ransom so that Begnion can rescue me, don't bet on it, they will not give any dime for my well being, I was disposable from the beginning.

SOTHE: I second that Micaiah, His own country left him to rot. We will have no profit whatsoever keeping him alive.

MICAIAH: That's exactly what it's intriguing to me.

Why did he choose to raise his spear against Daein even when Begnion yielded and finally gave recognition to Daein as an independent nation?

What's the point in fighting a battle that's already lost?

JAROD: Was that why you kept me alive? Just to ask nonsense like this?

MICAIAH: Well...

JAROD: Hahaha! You are so stupidly naïve, even more than I thought.

SOTHE: Take it back or I'll...

MICAIAH: Maybe it wasn't the most brilliant decision, but it was something entreating enough to ask you directly.

JAROD: And what do you intend to do when you get my answer?

MICAIAH: I-I haven't thought about it yet.

JAROD: Ha! You make me laugh so much that I'll be generous and I'll dedicate you some words: Mind your own business.

I will tell you no more, so you better get the hell out of here.





SOTHE: Hm, just as I thought, that guy won't budge, but I don't think that he's covering someone, it appears that he just simply does not care at all.

MICAIAH: I feel the same, it's just that I don't completely get why...

SOTHE: Does it matter? It was probably a desperate struggle to gain control of Daein again.

If Jarod were a recruitable unitWhere stories live. Discover now