Chapter 34

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Betsi POV

It's finally Saturday and I can't hide my excitement from Jason. I know I'm bouncing off the walls to get going out the door and it feels like he is just dragging his feet to leave. I have a large bowl of potato salad I made just for today. My mom always drilled into me not to go empty handed to something like this  and I do make kick ass potato salad if I do say so myself. I'm sure it will disappear quickly and if it doesn't I have some for our lunches all week.

"Aren't you ready to go yet?" I see Jason fiddling around with his phone in the bedroom. I'm trying not to sound irritated but I've been ready for a long time. I always thought women took longer to get ready  but not in this home.  I can get dressed and out the door in no time, I just don't really spend any time getting  dressed. I wear limited or no makeup and love comfy clothes. I pull on jeans and a nice short sleeved shirt  and out the door I go. 

But not him, I know for a fact he spends more time than me on just his hair. I love the look on him but he has started to be picky about how he looks leaving the house. That might be a old trait he had before that's coming back.    But right now he looks up from his phone at my question as if he's done nothing wrong.

"I've been standing here waiting for you?"  He gives me a big smile and any trace of irritation if gone, it happens every time. I can't stay irritated with him, he is just too sweet and that smile erases everything negative.

He pick up my container of potato salad and we head out to the Jeep parked out in front of our apartment. 

"You didn't have to bring anything, David said they had plenty to eat there."  States as he tuck the large container in the back seat before getting in.  David was one of his co workers and was throwing the cookout. I met him once, a very warm and friendly person. Jason told me he was married and they  had a child. His wife was the organizer for the whole thing and there were supposed to be around fifty people there. 

"I know, but I feel like we shouldn't come without something. If there are any leftovers, we can use it  for our lunches."  I reason with him  " I'm sure it will be appreciated , no one turns down extra food at these things."

"I've seen these guys eat, there won't be any leftovers. If it's there , they will eat it all. Why don't I just go put it back in the fridge and then there will be some for lunches for sure." He picks it back up and starts to turn back towards the steps as I grab his arm pulling him close to me. He laughs lightly as he lets me pull him along, he can be such a tease .

We drive at least thirty minutes away from town before we reach the turn off leading to his home. Jason wasn't kidding when he said they live out in the woods, it was like we were in the middle of no where here. We soon end up going down a narrow gravel road that is cut deep into the forest. It seems to go on forever  until finally the road opens up and I can see several log homes ahead.

"This is the place" Jason states as it comes into view.

" Wow this place looks just like a town in it's self"  I can't help but wonder how many people live out here. This place is just beautiful, the homes blend in with the surrounding area so well and the mountains make for just a awesome background. Living here would make it worth the long drive.  Jason had been here once with David when he met with the boss for the logging job. But he left out the details when he  told me about this place. It's nothing like I thought it would be.

" I'd love for us to get a place like this out here, but I wouldn't  like for you to have to drive into town for work everyday. Especially when winter hits and the snows on the roads." He turns a sharp corner , and I nod my head in  agreement with him. I don't like driving on icy or snow covered roads at all.  

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