chapter 48

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Betsi POV

I just stared at the two silver bracelets lying near each other on the tile floor , the oil covering them made them shine more than usual. I can hardly believe my own eyes. It worked, it actually worked . Now my world and Jason's were going to change in a big way, there was no going back.  I expected to feel a big differences right away but I don't feel any different than I did ten minutes ago. Was this normal? 

"Am I supposed to feel different, because I don't. "  I'm not directing my questions to any one person , just the room in general. "I thought there would be something I'd feel  immediately" 

The pack males who helped with the removal , left  the room now that the task was done and they were no longer needed. 

"It might take some time for your wolf to show, she's been suppressed for so long. " Katya volunteers "She's there, I can smell the wolf in you now . "

I nod my head,  a little dumbfounded by her comment that  I smell like a wolf . Is that something like wet dog smell, because I'm not too fond of that smell. I crinkle my nose automatically at the thought of stinking like that. Mom notices my action and laughs.

"I know  what your thinking and no it's not like wet dog."  She knows me all too well, that smell has always bothered me and is one of the reason we didn't have a pet , dog or otherwise. I've always been sensitive to strong smells. Wet dog and cat litter boxes  are not happening in my home. I love animals, but not in the house. If Jason and I ever have children, he's going to be changing the poopy diapers too, he just doesn't know it yet.

"It's more of a natural scent and is not overpowering. It's one of the ways we can identify our kind." Katya added to the discussion. I'm ready to change the topic , not wanting to offend anyone in the room by comparing them to dogs. No one looks mad , in fact they looks pretty amused at my behavior . I'm sure this isn't the first time someone compared wolves to dogs.

"Jason, how about you . Do you feel any different  or remember anything?" my voice is nervous  and I don't even try to hide it. I have to know if it worked for him, he has been wanting this as much as I have. Maybe even more because it ties in with his forgotten memories.

He looks around everyone in the room, there's no expression on his face it's a blank slate . His parents and brother are waiting for him to say something, there is hope in all their eyes. The  oil  is dripping off his arm and making a small puddle near his feet. His wrist and hand are red like mine from the rough removal but at least there wasn't any of that foul black smoke this time. His eyes meet mine ,they are  fixated with dilated pupils and he is sniffing the air slightly . He moves over to me  and takes my face in his hands , as his eyes continue to search mine. 

"You ARE my mate, my wolf is back and recognized it immediately. I just knew it would have to be you. I love you so much sweetie "  He gives me a hard kiss and those same electric tingles we  felt that first time were still there and stronger than ever before.  He pulls back and holds me as he addresses the room. He's might  remembers his past now.

" I remember  some things.  I am Jackson Reynolds, firstborn son of Jefferson and Helen  Reynolds and future Alpha of the Riverbend pack. " His voice proud as he looks at his parents, I can see the relief in his fathers face and the tears sliding down his mom's cheeks. His brother shares the same look of relief on his face and slaps his brother on the back. "There are still some blank spots but things are coming back to me slowly "

"Welcome back from the dead brother, I've missed you " James pulls him into a tight hug which ended up including me. His parents join us and soon everyone is part of the group hug. 

"Let's take this family reunion into the other room, I'm  slipping in all this oil  on the floor. " My dad broke the highly emotional moment and everyone pulls slowly away from each other. 

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