The Game

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*****Alissa POV****

After I left the room I went to my next class blah blah blah got over class and left to just go home but i smelt wet dog and knew instantly Werewolf i turned slightly and seen where the source of that disgusting smell was coming from
This handsome looking guy was next to a motorcycle arms crossed and waiting for someone not bothered since he wasn't looking at me or alarmed i got in my car and drove back to my house. As i was driving past the tree's i can see a home far into the wood any human couldn't see it as it was very far into the distance looking at it closer i seen Edward and some other vampire's so this is where he lives it was intresting to me since there were so many windows as a half vampire i like to have more of personal space and wouldnt really apreciate people to see through my house but i guess to each their own.
As i arrived at my house i smelt a strange scent obviously a vampire but odd I've never encountered someone who smelled this way i wouldve rembered. As i walked in my home it was silent i went to the kitched and turned my back so i was facing the sink obviously they wanted to be melodramatic and scare me "idiots" i mumbled as i could hear size 11's practically tap dace into the room. So much for a suprise attack big foot could have done better as i turn around im met with a large vampire with red eyes obviously a new born "may i help you?" I say raising an eyebrow and crosing my arms "Aro would wish to speak with you." He says as he steps closer "Aro? I don't seem to recall a Aro does he have a last name this Aro?" I say as I grab a blood bag from the counter "I was given strict orders to retrive you, you can do this the easy way or hard way." As soon as he said that i had him pinned to the wall holding him in a choke hold "E..ven i..f i dont take you someone else w..i..l..l" he says rasped out "oh boo hoo then let me show them a preview of what will happen to them aswell." i say as i yank his head off leave him to make a fire outside as i dunp his heavy body into it i look across from me and spot four figures on a mountain staring at me i flip them off and watch as they all turn around and take off.

So i might edit it later bc im pretty sure there is mistakes also anyone intrested in being a charter leave ur name and what traits you wish to have only need 2 ppl 😂😗

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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