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Makeup is overrated.

Ole rolled his eyes, silently praying to whatever lord there is. Why should you spend like ten minutes putting on cosmetic frosting when you are only going to take it off later. What the heck!

"Rose, come on!" The poor undead boy bounced on his toes, crossing and uncrossing his arms, being steadfastly ignored by the older teen. "You have enough makeup on."

Rosalie scoffed, annoyance-exasperation assaulted Ole's head, Just go to the car already, the beautiful girl thought to her brother.

Oleander turned, flipping his admittedly short hair in a fit of brattiness, and stomped out of the room. Sometimes the Cullen household was the best but the creatures inside sometimes seemed to forget that Ole was the best person ever. Why wouldn't they want to spend time with him?

Probably because you're rude, Ole thought to himself, and mean. The door leading to his bedroom/living thing was wide open letting in the cool wind, blowing past and allowing scents of forest inside. Books lined the shelves which covered the walls, a large couch sat smack dab in the middle of the room, different things were scattered around the room, mostly because he was too lazy to go and pick them up.

Before the birds could blink, Ole was on the other side of the room, sitting on the rail of the balcony. A jar of feathers was clasped in his hand and Ole traced his fingers over the bumps
on the container. A smile spread on his face, for a moment erasing the dark circles underneath his golden eyes.

The blue feather was from a peacock in South America, Brazil, he thinks, going there was certainly fun. Ole remembers the eccentric old man that had at least four of those birds. He often gave Ole their castoff feathers.

Suddenly a whistle breaks through the forest, Ole jerks, almost dropping the jar before he looks down.

"Come on, O! Rose finished her girl routine!"
It was just Emmett, who laughed at the death glare he was receiving. The jar was set on the rail and Ole was back flipping off, landing perfectly on his feet.


Emmett's thought ran through his head and Ole smiled cheekily, "Aw, Em you know that ya love me." fondness-irritated. Emmett doesn't like it very much when Ole reads his mind, but is willing to endure it, he kinda has to, living with two vampires with that particular gift.

Suddenly, Ole is swooped off the ground. The tall vampire had gripped his side and threw him over his shoulder, "Em," Ole giggled, "Stop it, put me down!"

His protests were ignored with a "Nope." and Ole was carried off to the two cars parked in front of the large house. Jazz was already inside of the jeep with Alice, along with Rose. Eddie was leaning against his shiny car, his face looking constipated as per always.

Ole stood shorter than most of them, yet still being tall for his age. He was taller than Alice yet a few inches shorter than Rosalie. Hey, it's not his fault he's young.

Esme stood at the door, motherly instincts or whatever wanting her to be there to see them off I guess. Ole grinned and waved, getting one in return. Carlisle had already left for work, saving people, not exactly hunting things.

The Cullen's thoughts got clearer as he moved closer, they had been mostly muffled in the back of the house, but now he could hear most of their surface thoughts. Seriously Jazz, stop thinking about trees.

Eddie looked up, obviously hearing Emmett's laughs, the big old jerk. Edmeister then decided to laugh as well, because Ole's misery was the funniest thing in the world to them.

"Really Emmett, is it truly necessary to tease him every morning." Ed said, straightening his face in an obvious attempt to convince Ole that he was on his side. He will not be fooled, that dumb nut was biting his lip, amusement heavy in his voice.

Emmett opened the passenger door to Edward's car and threw Ole in. A strange oof sound escaped the long throat. "Just assuring my dominance as the best brother." Emmett winked and slid into the driver's seat of the jeep before taking off.

Eddie laughed and hopped in the car, his shovel face finally smiling. "Seatbelt." Ole reminded the older vampire. Edwardio groaned but conceded, we may be dead but safety still comes first.

It was a quiet drive to school. The closer we got to town, the more Ole's head started to pound. Different thoughts, emotions, smells, sights bombarded him, a vampire's view of the world was overwhelming enough, but mental powers didn't really help much. Oh look, Mrs. Higgins finally broke up with Tom.

The sensory overload wasn't anything new, hurt still obviously but not new. In a sad effort to distract himself Ole turned to Ed and tried to start a conversation. Yay, small talk.

"So," Ole started, "I heard there's a new student coming today."

Edward shifted his amber eyes over to Ole for a moment, and the boy grimaced, full lips twisting, wanting Ed to keep his eyes on the road. Seriously, we are going to crash if he keeps getting careless. Ed produced an uncommitted grunt deep in his throat.

"I, uh, heard that she was Chief Swan's daughter, ya know the guy who almost caught me feeding once."

Ole clarified, if that wasn't something to remember. The incident almost made them leave town. Edward's voice jerked him back from memory lane.

"Well, as long as she keeps to herself we won't have a problem, right?"

Ole snorted, for some reason he felt like Edward's words were mocking him, like this Swan girl wouldn't keep to herself. Maybe because she was related to the chief.

Edward turned back to the road, body language indicating they were done with the conversation. Nice talking, Ed.

They were almost to the school by now, shops and walking teens passing by in a blur. Ole was so glad that Carlisle managed to get him in the same grade as the rest of the family. He could barely take being in a school with his brothers and sisters help, don't know how he would do it without them.

The thought of the humans he would be dealing with for the rest of the day killed any iota of a nice day he had. Blood pumping and rushing, shrill screams, pungent odors and basically Hell lay so close.

The cloudy grey skies weren't really helping set a good mood, all gloomy and overbearing, moss flopping about in the wind.

Perhaps something good would happen today, maybe he'd catch a nice rabid bear later, or the students were feeling particularly stupid today so he could get a break from their incessant chatter.

After all, its not all bad, not like anyone was going to die.

Ugh, I hope that was good felt a bit blah to me but people are actually reading this and I, myself hate waiting a long time for updates so here you go. Constructive criticism is welcome, also hate, love the occasional hate comment. This was mostly filler but I wanted to get a better feel of the characters next chapter we're gonna get some plot, and a surprise appearance from a certain wolf.
Have a good day y'all.

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