The Hatred of Words

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Princess, now Queen Zelda has told all of Hyrule a lie. She has made a lie and gave it to all of them willingly.

After the defeat of The Calamity, she sent word of it to all of the races, Hylian all the way to the mountain of the Goron. Her words were not only of the defeat of the great evil, but also of that of the great champion. She had told all of their loss of the hero, their champion, Link. The Zora were the last to receive this message.


Prince Sidon and his father, King Dorephan, were in the greatest of spirts. The Calamity no longer plagued them, their beast was tame and rains no longer cursed them. They spoke and laughed happily with words of Mipha and many other things that could not be spoken about with the uncertainty and fear of the world weighing heavily with the state their home had been in before the beast was calmed. All was of peace and nothing else, until a messenger rushes in to deliver the words of the Queen. Quick panicked words filled with grief and pain is received, taken by the now silent king and prince, the surprise and pain on the former more apparent than that of the latter.

The champion Link was gone along with the darkness.

They remained silent, the guards in the room who had come with the messenger, the king, and Sidon. It was left undisturbed until the eyes of all widened at the look of their prince. He smiled wide and seemed completely unfazed by the news he had received as he turned his back on all of them and began to leave the throne room. His father called to him, the guards and the messenger reached for him, grabbing onto his arms only to quickly release when he pulled away with the gentleness of an enraged lizalfos. They stared after him as he continued with the smile plastered on his face. As he passed those in the Domain, they tried their best to ask what was wrong fore they felt the smile on his face was that of wickedness and not kindness. It was forced and they wanted to know of what had happened that caused their kings' voice to ring throughout the entirety of their home. They all became too afraid to approach the prince when they caught sight of his eyes, which had come to the slimmest of slits. They have never seen him in such a way. They spoke in hushed voices while others tried and failed to grab his attention. The guards moved out of his way.

The smile remained as he left the more populated areas of the Domain, it remained as he left to the beast. He had intended to inform Mipha, her spirit of the passing of her hero, but his legs carried him away from it. They carried him higher and higher even as they ached, up to Shatterback Point. He stood on the cliff, looking out at all that was below. His smile wavered and his eyes stung. He could only hold his composure for so long until it shattered, shattered like the backs of all who fell from the very edge he stood upon. He sobbed and screamed louder than anything he has ever done before. He screamed even after his throat began to burn, even after his head grew light and filled with dizziness. He screamed until he fell back, away from the edge to the ground he had stood upon. His mouth finally falling silent as he gazed upon the sky above him. Tears continued down his face and he did not bother to wipe them away. Minutes turned into hours, he felt, of crying and wishing he was in the most horrendous of nightmares. Something more vile and grotesque than a dream of Lynels striking him with arrow after electrical arrow and beating him with blades sharp and heavy. Perhaps something worse than being ingulfed in excruciatingly painful amounts of lacerations. He wished and prayed for anything else, anything. But the words ring constantly in his head "Link is gone".

He stayed up on the point for what he thought was an eternity. His scales felt dry but he denied himself the waters that wait below. Even if he truly wished to dive into the abyssal depths, his body would not allow him to move from his resting spot on the ground. After a small amount of time would go by, tears would come back to his eyes. He was so tired but he still wanted to cry, to weep for the fall of the champion, his champion. Though he had never admitted to that aloud. He never told Link of his love, of his complete infatuation with the hero, and the pain it brings to love him so. He felt the guilt rise in his chest threatening to burst. Link was Mipha's love, Mipha's one and only. She made him the armor although never able to give it to him. She gave him her life for him to survive. She gave the world her life to protect him. She even gave her grace to protect him.

Link had told Sidon and his father of her spirit in the beast. And they smiled and cried happily knowing her spirit was calm and well and watching over them. It was a tradition now to bring offerings to her, ones of love and encouragement, and those set to be a reminder of how much they miss and want to honor her. Sidon had spoke to her more times than he had spoke to her when she lived. He hated how much more time he got to spend with her after her passing. He hated the words he could not have told her during her short life. He hated all of the words he could not tell Link before his. More than his hatred of words, he hated, despised how he felt for the love of his sister's life. He cried again when he found himself wishing he had been the one to go instead of his sister.

He stayed upon the point, not moving and continuing to weep. He wept and would cry out the names of his sister and the champion. He felt only the pain and grief of the past and the present.

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