Chapter 12

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•Shiann's P.O.V•
It was free period so I decided to go to my locker to get a few things. As I'm in my locker putting away my books the chick from earlier walked up to me. "So you must be the new girl" she said to me with a blank expression. "Yeah I am" I said while closing my locker. "Well I'm Geneva" she said to me. "I'm Shiann" I said leaning on my locker. "Your like really pretty, I hope we can hangout one day" she said in a seductive voice while staring into my eyes with a smile on her face. Before I could say anything she walked off. What the fuck? Why is everyone in this school so freaking weird? I brushed it off and walked into music class.

We all had music class together so I took a seat in between Ashanti and Jahseh, Ski was sitting beside Ashanti. "You look like you have a lot on your mind...what's up?" Jahseh whispered to me. "I'll tell you later" I whispered back. I then get a notification on my phone. "Shiann please silent your phone" Mrs. Kelly our music teacher said. "Sorry" I said while getting it out my pocket.

New Notification: Instagram: Liar started following you.

I checked the page out and it was the Geneva girl. Maybe she wanted to be friends so I accepted it and then put my phone away. Why is her username Liar? And in all her pictures she's not even smiling or anything but she is really pretty. Class was finally over thank god. "I thought we was getting a project sheet?" Ski said confused. "No Ski, that's next week" I said laughing. "He should've payed attention instead of dozing off" Ashanti said. We laughed and head out. We headed to Carl's Jr. after school.

•In Carl's Jr.•
"You girls take a seat and we'll go order, what y'all what?" Ski asked. "I already know what Shiann wants vro, just get Ashanti's order" Jahseh said. Ashanti told Ski her order then they both walked off. "Awe he knows your order by heart" Ashanti said. "Shut up" I said playfully rolling my eyes while laughing.

Just as I got up I to throw something away I bumped into a boy. "Oh I'm so sorry" I said helping him. "It's cool you didn't mean too" he said to me. "Oh wait your the new girl right?" He asked me. Ugh I'm honestly tired of being calling me tHe nEw gIrL. "Yup that's me" I said. "I'm Grayson, it's nice to meet you" He said holding his hand out. "Hi, I'm Shiann" I said shaking his hand. Just then Jahseh walked up to me. "Come on Shiann, food is ready" he said. Grayson instantly widen his eyes which made me confused. "Well....I'll see you around I said" then I walked off.

•Jahseh's P.O.V•
As I'm on line waiting to collect our food I see Shiann talking to one of the twins. I quickly got mad. I don't want her talking to any other nigga that's not me besides Ski. The food was ready so I grabbed it and gave it to Ski in a harsh way. "Dude! What the fuck!" Ski said. "Go to the table I'll be there just now" I said aggressively. I walked over to Shiann. "Come on Shiann, food is ready" I said staring at Grayson pissed asf but I didn't want Shiann to notice so I put on a smile. She then said bye to him and walked back over to the table.

"I suggest you wipe that smile off your face vro, that's all Mine!" I said to him. He was shocked asf that he walked out, pussy ass nigga. I walked back to the table and took a seat next to Shiann acting like nothing didn't just happen. "Hey, where did he went?" Shiann asked me. "I don't know, he said he only came in here to see if his brother was here" I said. We began eating and we talked about stupid shit as usual. I put my arm around Shiann and she just looked at me and smiled. I can't wait for us to start dating man, I really love this girl. "How are chicken nuggets made?" Ski dumbass asked. "Um...from Chicken obviously" Ashanti said to him. Shiann and I began laughing. "Yeah but like chickens are big and aren't shaped like this....did they like mold their meat?" He asked. Shiann, Ashanti and I burst out laughing. "Ight fuck y'all, a nigga just curious" he snapped at us. After we finished eating we decided to head to the movies.

•At Movie Theater•
We waited in line to get the tickets. We're gonna watch some creepy ass horror movie everyone was talking about. "Oh by the way me and Ashanti gonna sit separated from you guys" Ski said. "Why So y'all can smash?" I asked. "WHAT!? No" Ashanti said. Shiann and I began laughing. We all put in money for our tickets. We got em and head over to the snack bar. Shiann and I got a popcorn bucket for us to share and two drinks, so as Ashanti and Ski. We head into the theater and took a seat. Ashanti and Ski took a seat all the way in the back row at the end. Shiann and I took a seat at the back as well and sat all the way at the other end. The lights were still on so I guess we just have to wait.

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