Chapter 26

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I just finished editing my newest chapter, and I think it's safe to say that there's a lot going on - actionwise. I have a favor to ask, though. I'm not so sure about this one. So I'd like to hear your opinion. Good? Hard to follow? What do you think? Please help me out and let me know! Having said that: enjoy and thanks for reading!



Chapter 26

Wheels screeched behind me, screaming their fury at frictional abuse, but with us going down the slope in full speed I didn't have time to think about the other car. Bushes, trees, parts of branches, and a vertical hailstorm of twigs were coming at us, whipping at the car's surface in dull, thunderous noises. Antonio yelled something in Italian. Its meaning was lost upon me. I heard someone screaming. It was me.

Trees popped up in fast motion, the kind of speed a vampire was used to – too fast for the human eye. I had no idea how Peter managed to avoid them. Brakes squawking, the tires finally blocked. The car slithered into the wood beside the road, spinning out of control.

We're not slowing fast enough.

The vehicle shook violently. We were skidding further into chaos and death. We were going to crash into a wooden something any second. And there was nothing I could do about it. I blinked. Except, I could. My powers were no longer buried inside of me.

I forced my eyes shut, opening myself to the aerial planes around us. The power came; fast; violent.

Magic bristled, nestled around the car like a soft cushion at my command. Air particles flowed through my cells; burning oxygen fried my system. I breathed through the pain, holding on to the magic with all I had. I could feel the vampires, their presences and the otherness scraping on my mind. Three black auras and ... a light red aura.

Light red? I didn't have time enough to process the thought.

The car stopped spinning abruptly as a feeling of horizontal free fall settled in. Invisible rocks were bumping into my head repeatedly, bruising my mind. I concentrated and tried to bring the ball-shaped cushion under control, heard the tires screeching and knew Peter was hitting the brakes. My hands started sweating with the effort, but together with Peter, I managed to bring the car to a standstill.

"What is happening?" Antonio's wife said.

Her voice was far too steady to belong to someone who had just faced at least a dozen tree trunks that could have been the final nail in their coffin.

Oh, right, she's as good as immortal.

My eyelashes fluttered, opened to find the car had come to a halt mere inches in front of a monumental pine tree. Breath rushed out of me in one fast, vomiting eruption. The shield of air dispersed and vanished as if it had never been there.

I looked around, panting, slapped by waves of dizzy sparkles in my eyes. Holy witch, I didn't want to do that again. This kind of magic took the hell out of me.

"Do you feel it?" Antonio said, before leaning forward, pale hand on his wife's shoulder. "We are not alone."

I had no idea what he was talking about. I was too busy doing breathing exercises for the pregnant. All I did notice was the everlasting apathy in his voice. It was the same deadness he had shown when Michael had cornered him and his family. As if it didn't matter whether he was going to live or die.

"What was the thing on the road?" I said.

Alexander answered my question. "Unless I am mistaken, that was Corine, bound."

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