Chapter Four: Economic Considerations

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"Thanks for agreeing to meet with me," Kotomi's guardian said as he gestured to a chair across the table. I really needed to learn the guy's name at some point. "Please, have a seat."

"Thanks," I said as I sat in the proffered seat. "Since you've called me here, I assume you want to talk about Kotomi-chan?"

He chuckled softly. "She still has you call her that, does she?"

I chuckled as well. "Yeah. I've tried to break her of the habit, but I guess she likes it too much; she pouts whenever I just call her 'Kotomi'." I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the table between us. "So, what can I do for you?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Well, as you know, I am responsible for everything having to do with the Ichinose's estate as well as their daughter. Everything from her schooling to her finances...I'll tell you though, she hasn't made it easy."

"Her choice to go to Hikarizaka being one example?"

He pointed at me. "Exactly. But it's actually tied to her refusal to leave her parents' home. To be honest, I think she's stuck at the age she was when her parents died. Of course her knowledge has improved, but..."

I blinked; it certainly explained a lot of her childish behaviors. It could have been partly due to being a shut-in of sorts, but his explanation made sense. "It's almost like she's still an eight-year-old emotionally."

He pointed at me again. "Exactly!" He settled back in his chair, straightening his jacket. "Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about her finances."

That raised some red flags. "Is she in trouble? I can move back out if it would help."

He smiled warmly at me. "See, that's the reason I agreed to let you move in with her in the first place. Well, part of it at least." Before I could ask what he meant he continued. "Her next birthday will be her eighteenth, so control of her parents' holdings will transfer to her. Unfortunately, Miss Ichinose doesn't seem ready for the responsibility of handling her finances, so..." he looked at me meaningfully.

"I got it; you want me to take over her finances since I'm the closest to her, next to you that is."

He pointed at me yet again; it must have been one of his quirks. "Exactly. Do you think you could do it?"

I narrowed my eyes at him as I crossed my arms. "Is this why you approved of my move?"

"No no, not at all! I knew that it would be bad for her to continue living by herself, and you two have a history...and, from what I understand, a future," he finished, winking at me.

"What has she told you about us?"

He steepled his fingers as he leaned on the table. "From what I could tell, everything from your childhood together up to her proposal of marriage just recently." At my shocked expression he explained. "We've been getting along a lot better as of late." His eyes crinkled at his smile. "So? Did you accept her proposal?"

I figured since Kotomi had told him I could too. "Absolutely," I answered with a smile. "But we're keeping it secret until after graduation. We haven't even set a date for the wedding, yet."

"Might want to get on that; she's loved you for a long time..."

"Since she was eight, I know," I tried to interrupt politely. "It's just that I'm getting used to living at her place, fixing my messed-up schedule, and trying to get caught up in my studies."

He shrugged. "Well, consider that one more thing for your plate. Oh, and don't worry," he winked, "your secret's safe with me."


My mind reeled as I walked home from the restaurant. In the end, Norito-san (I finally learned his name) showed me Kotomi's finances. My eyes had bugged out at how big the numbers were. Apparently, Kotomi's parents still received royalties for the many things they had patented. If she spent wisely, Kotomi would never have to work a day in her life. Knowing her though, she'd want one or both of us working to contribute to society in some way, like her parents had.

I knew that Kotomi had the knowledge and ability to benefit humanity and make a truckload of money by continuing her parents' research. I, on the other hand...I sighed.

"Tomoya!" I heard a happy voice call out. I looked to confirm the source... Oh man; I really didn't have time for this crap.

Kyou and Fujibayashi stood a surprisingly short distance away; surprising in that I'd normally have seen them already. I must have been in really deep thought. Of course Fujibayashi wasn't a problem, but Kyou...

"Fancy seeing you out and about!" Kyou chirped as she and her sister approached me. "What'cha doing?"

I couldn't think of a convincing lie so I told the truth: "I was at a meeting."

Kyou's eyes widened. "Ooo! What kind of meeting?" she licked her lips. "Did you and Kotomi meet at a love hotel? Tell me all about it!"

"Onee-chan!" Fujibayashi protested.

"We didn't meet at a love hotel! Jeez, Kyou!"

Kyou brought herself uncomfortably close as she lay a hand on my shoulder. "That's okay, I understand; you're trying to keep it a secret. For her benefit."

"Well, it's true that I'm keeping it secret..." I realized. "Wait, it's still not what you think!"

She gave me a sly smile as I looked to Fujibayashi to rescue me; the poor girl could only give me an apologetic look. "Well, since you can't tell me what it is, I'm just going to have to guess, right?"

"You don't even have to guess!"

She drew closer and my skin tingled as I felt her breath on my ear. "Is it another woman? C'mon, I won't tell."

I backed away from her, letting her hand drop from my shoulder. "It's not another woman! Knock it off!"

Kyou laughed. "God, Tomoya, you're so gullible!" I saw a flicker of an expression I'd never seen before. "That's what makes you so much fun to hang out with!"


"All right, all right, I'll stop teasing him, Ryou."

I ended up dragged around the town again, carrying bags for the girls and cursing my spinelessness again. Kotomi was going to worry if I was out too late.

Finally, Kyou finished having her fun with me, and I carried the bags up to the front door of her home. "Ryou and I can take them from here," she said. "Unless you'd like to carry mine to my room."

"No thank you," I huffed.

That weird look flickered across her face again before she followed her more apologetic sister inside, closing the door on me.

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